Commodore Format

Multimixx 5

Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #20

Multimixx 5 (Kixx)

Three games for £3.99! That's £1.33 for each game! Can you go wrong? Well, let's look at the games, then decide, eh readers?

First off is Monty On The Run. Monty Mole has got to belt through a big platform game in order to escape from prison (or something!). It's looking a bit old now (it was first out in '86), but the platformy bits are excellent, and there's a lot of skill needed to get through. It's also mega-big, apparently.

If you finish that in quarter of an hour, you can move straight on to Auf Wiedersehen Monty. This means 'Hello Monty' in German, or so Trenton told me.

Here you've got to help Monty flee for his life across Europe. There's violence, there's romance, and there are car-chases and loads more platforms. Despite all this, Auf Wiedersehen Monty isn't as good as Monty On The Run.

Jack The Nipper II is also on Multimixx 5. Yep, it's another platformer. You've got to guide the chaotic under-five around some jungle or other, trying to avoid his dad.

You've also got to avoid various child-eating native tribesmen, and the odd weird sprite thing as well. It's also pretty good, and the different style of it is a welcome break from all that mole-related madness.

Frame Rate

Platform fans should rush out and buy this. It's got three rather good games on it. Nothing completely stunning, but for £1.33 each you're getting a remarkably good deal. Hooray.