Commodore Format


Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #17

Kamikaze (Codemasters)

Playing a game in which you've got to try and kill yourself seems a wee bit pointless to me. In fact, I'd go further and say that it's positively unhealthy. Anyway, in Kamikaze, you fly a nice WWII plane over a castle a short distance from your Japanese airbase. You have to drop a stick of dynamite on the castle's gate in order to release your locked up chums. Simple, huh?

You haven't actually paid for any dynamite. Oh no. Instead, you intend to shoot down a plane that just happens to be carrying some. Nick it as it drops to the ground, then use that for the escape attempt. Then all you have to do is land and collect the escapees (Remember not to commit suicide whilst they're stlll on board).

This whole caboodle takes place in a 2D sky, and you spend most of your time avoiding the other planes which fill the atmosphere around you. It's tricky and it's smooth, is Kamikaze, but it doesn't quite make you want to fill your neighbour's Cortina with sand. If you're a fan of Defender-type games, though, it could be time to check the crack in the back of the sofa again.

Frame Rate

Fun for a while and nicely done, it has to be said. But it won't kick-start your adrenal glands. Could be a bit too weird for some people's taste.