Commodore Format

Italia '90

Publisher: Tronix
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #20

Italia '90 (Tronix)

Time flies when you're too stingy to buy a calendar. I mean, where did 1991 go? Anyway, if you want to relive the tear-jerking glories of our plucky squad in the football World Gup, you'll have to stump up four massive quid for this game. But is it worth it?

Well, you get a pretty quick 3D-angled game, which is a good laugh. It doesn't handle tackling well (you always foul because you hit the fire button), and there's a weird goal-mouth bit where you wiggle your keeper around as he tries to get into position. But, for the most part, it's an enjoyable little kicker.

You get to play all the big teams and, unless you practise a lot, you'll lose miserably most of the time. Still, it's a challenge.

Frame Rate

Not a bad footy game, but it's not incredibly incredible either. For four sovs, you'll get end-to-end action and, er, some piping whistle sounds as you foul the opponents.