Set in the Land Of Krynn, Heroes Of The Lance sees you, the warrior of Grynn, looking for the magic Hand of Brynn and the mystical Eye of Drynn. It really is the most appalling tosh. But if you've any interest in this sort of quest, read on.
It's an official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game, which means that it's dead complicated, especially if you've been clever enough to avoid forking out for the D&D books and lead figures that normally go with the hobby.
But what you get here is a sideways-scrolling, joystick controlled beat-'em-up (for want of a better word). The quest you're on is big enough to keep you burning valuable electricity long into the winter nights, but, as I say, it'll only really appeal to fans of fantasy. The action isn't thick enough for demanding gamers like me.
Graphics and sound are pretty okay, though, and the whole thing is smooth and, when you're not being interrupted by little messages, fast. When your band of travellers get into combat, you control it all with the stick, so you're actually an important factor, rather than a spectator just sitting there, watching your people get slaughtered. You can get really into it.
Exploring the Land of Krynn is fun. (Who knows? You might even want to map the whole thing!) So overall it's a bit specialised for me, but if you're a fan you'll be kept happy for many a moon with Heroes Of The Lance.