Commodore Format

Gemini Wing

Publisher: Mastertronic Plus
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #18

Gemini Wing (Mastertronic Plus)

I'm not a great believer in astrological starsigns. I've always thought that one twelfth of the world's population can't all meet a tall dark stranger all on the same day. So Gemini Wing didn't sound promising, I thought.

Imagine my surprise then, when Gemini Wing turned out to be a high speed, vertically-scrolling blaster, not completely unlike Xenon. The difference is that, in Gemini Wing, you've got to take out loads of annoying little aliens who fly around the screen at random, giving you endless grief of a explosive nature.

Gemini Wing plays far faster than Xenon, but doesn't have quite the same polished look or in-game feel. There are hordes of the usual motley collection of pick-ups, and as you chug along (moving in eight directions as the fancy takes you), nicely drawn scenery drifts past. I found this incredibly distracting, and couldn't even see many of the so-called aliens I was supposed to be blasting away at!

So, me hearties, Gemini Wing doesn't score as highly as Xenon. It still not bad, though. And if you're a millionaire shoot-'em-up fan, you could even buy both (shock, horror!).

Frame Rate

Fast, action-packed blaster, but it's difficult and the backgrounds are distracting. Still, better than being thrown from a liner in the South Atlantic.