Commodore Format


Publisher: Players
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #4

Eliminator (Players)

Players has now re-released this old Hewson classic in their budget range for the unfortunate few who missed it the first time round. It's a shoot-'em-up and 3D race game all mixed into one. You control an "ultra fast, super stream-lined eliminator" with which you must kill all known life forms in the galaxy (why you should want to do this is a mystery!). The controls are simple; left, right and fire, but variety is provided by the myriad of objects that appear in front of your vehicle.

Force fields and other metallic debris destroy you on contact and must be avoided. Next on the most feared items list are aliens, which come in various unfathomable forms and fire back at you. Despatch them with haste as these too destroy you on contact.

Now and again Crystals appear. These beef up your weaponry for later levels. At this point it's worth mentioning that level one is too long and too bland and may be terminally off-putting. This is a shame because later levels have rivers which can be jumped by using ramps (these are vital as the build up of debris blocks half of the road at certain points).

The graphics are excellent, especially the manic veering of the road, and gameplay after the first level becomes furious as more and more split second decisions are required. The soundtrack's also great and adds to the excitement. At £2.99, this is undoubtedly bargain city.

Frame Rate

It's official, this prison business has definitely affected my judgement. I'm recommending this one and I don't give two hoots. It a bit boring to start with but the pace soon picks up. Probably the best of this month's bunch. See you after Christmas when hopefully I'll be back in possession of a sound mind [I wouldn't bank on it - Ed].