Commodore Format

Dragons Of Flame

Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #21

Dragons Of Flame (Kixx)

Time to disappear into weird mystical land again. Yes, Dragons Of Flame is a huge multi-load Dungeons and Dragons type quest, in which you control a group of berks with silly names as they wander around a besieged land. There's Blusfoot the dwarf, Piggle the hamster, Greencyst the barbarian and Toby the estate agent, all of whom continually get into combat with various hideous underworld forces.

Either you love these games or you'd like to pop them under the wheels of heavy earth-moving equipment. If you do love them, you'll find oodles to do in Dragons Of Flame. There are two views of the action: a close-up sideways combat one, and a map with mountains, rivers and Burger Kings on it.

It's all fairly slow, and the land you wander over is massive, but as quests go, this one is worth having a crack at. If I was a mean, bespectacled cheapskate, I'd give Dragons Of Flame 70%.

Frame Rate

For the hardened adventurer, it's better than sellotaping algae to the sides of your face and calling yourself Steven Spielberg. A bit boring for the rest of us though.