Double Dragon II (Tronix)
Spunky street-violence! Three large and inexpensive cheers for people who work out their aggression at their computers rather than taking it out on the next-door neighbours!
Here you must wander (you guessed it) from left to right, punching, kicking and flower-arranging as you go. You can use chains or knives and even throw boxes and helicopters at people (well the helicopters are a bit heavy to lift). Double Dragon 2 is one of the old school of beat-'em-ups, where the characters don't actually seem to hit each other. The collision detection is a bit dodgy, to say the least. But there is a satisfying number of enemies to trash, so you won't get bored with the Violence Quotient.
The thing is, you won't want to buy more than one beat-'em-up on budget, not if you're as careful with your moolah as me, so if it comes down to a choice between this and Ninja Warriors, Ninja Warriors beats Double Dragon 2 in my book (well, magazine).
Not bad, but unlike Ninja Warriors, it won't clean right up under the rim and runs out after only three boil-washes.