Commodore Format

CJ's Elephant Antics

Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #7

CJ's Elephant Antics (Codemasters)

CJ the elephant has been abducted from his parents in Africa and is being flown to a zoo somewhere in England. Being a resourceful chappie though, he grabs an umbrella from the cargo hold and leaps from the plane. The brolly then turns inside out and CJ dies on impact with the floor [Er, this isn't the plot I remember - Ed].

Actually, CJ lands unharmed and must make his way through four levels of arcade platform action (not unlike New Zealand Story) in order to return his beloved family. Level one takes place in France with leaping frogs and French policemen trying to kill you.

Level two is in Switzerland, level three sees our hero travelling through Egypt and finally the perils of his native Africa must be negotiated before the task is complete.

The graphics are colourful, cartoony and follow the theme of each level very well. There are four large end-of-level guardians and enough puzzles to keep you occupied for weeks. Furthermore, there's a simultaneous two-player option. It's not a re-release but an original product with the polish and playability normally associated with full price games.

Frame Rate

Three quid for this is an absolute giveaway. It's encouraging that a product this good can be released at budget price. I hope Codemasters make wads of cash out of this, and then plough the money back in to maintaining this standard of budget software.