Commodore Format

Castle Master

Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #22

Castle Master (The Hit Squad)

When I go to Cambridge University, I'll be taking this game to all the dances. It's a 3D Freescape jobbie, so everything is shaded properly and you can wander around opening doors and investigating things.

Your twin has been captured in the Castle Eternity, so you must creep around and get him (or her, if it's a ghastly girl!) out. There are loads of puzzles, plenty of blind alleys and tons of ghosts to shoot.

It's not a quick game to play, but if you've got the brain of a puzzle addict, give it back - he'll need it to play this. The 3D looks gorgeous and it's quicker than you'd expect, when you consider how difficult it is to plot all this stuff on screen.

Castle Master

It you've played with 3D Construction Kit, you can have a lot of fun wandering around Castle Master, looking at how the professionals do it. You'll find, though, that they do it very well indeed.

Not really a blasting game, Castle Master is a spookily atmospheric little thing. It's about a million times cheaper than buying a real castle, and you're guaranteed of seeing some ghosts as well. Fabbo.

Frame Rate

An Englishman's home is his castle, they say. I spent a morning on the roof pouring boiling oil on visitors to our house, but Dad told me off. Still, in Castle Master you can do what you like and there's no one there to shout at you!