Beverly Hills Cats is based around that classic cartoon character Top Cat. It features TC and his other cohorts in a puzzley game of the "take item A to place B in order to find vital component C" type. Benny the Ball has inherited a fortune because the rightful heir (Amy, Benny's cousin) has disappeared. The idea is to get to Beverly Hills and outwit Snerdly the butler who is next in line to the fortune and thus trying to "get" Benny.
As TC, your first task is to roam around the alley trying to round up the gang. Try to keep your energy level up as a large reduction will cause your buddies to flee. Then it's off to Beverly Hills for much of the same at the mansion.
Graphics: TC and all his cohorts are easily identifiable. The theme tune is a bit of a disappointment though. Gone is the tune from the series and it's replaced instead by a nagging little cutesy drone. Gameplay is simplistic but for £2.99 it will provide a certain amount of entertainment.
I remember only ever seeing half the episodes of Top Cat, the first half. 'Cos it was on at tea time, the meter invariably ran out halfway through and more than one 50p piece per day was frankly unjustifiable. If you're a Top Cat fan, you'll probably like this, if not it may prove a little too dull.
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