Commodore Format

Altered Beast

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #15

Altered Beast (The Hit Squad)

The scenario is simple. Zeus, god of everything, has asked you nicely to save his daughter Athena from running all those poster shops. Well, actually she's given that up anyway and is being held by Neff, Lord of the Underworld.

You must make your sideways-scrolling way past all Nelf's minions to rescue her, with only your incredible fighting skills to protect you. As you wander along, all manner of creatures attack you, including old men, doggies and firey demons. Crouch, kick, punch and jump your way past all of these and press on through the ravines of Hell. It's not as spooky as it sounds but it's a big and playable game which gets you hooked as you go further into it. There's lots of nice scenery and no shortage of good, old-fashioned thumping to do, so if you're feeling adventurous (and I admit that I am, at the mo) it's worth a go.

Frame Rate

It won't remove your shoes and socks and place them on a wardrobe, but it's still a pretty good beat-'em-up.