Games Computing


Author: James McPherson
Published in Games Computing #3


This is a version of the popular arcade game. At the start of this program you find yourself facing a multicoloured wall of bricks which you have to knock out using the bat and ball. The wall moves steadily towards you and is replenished from time to time.

If the ball hits the left hand side of your bat, it will bounce off to the left and so on. Before the game begins, you can choose ball speed (one to five, five being the fastest). Now you are ready to go. The game runs on a model A or B without any alterations. There is also a top ten scoreboard to record your prolific scoring feats.

Game Controls

Z - Left, X - Right

Conversion Clues

Mode 7 Teletext is unique to the BBC Micro among home computers so some changes will have to be made before the program will RUN on other machines. It should be fairly easy to convert however to RUN on the BBC's sister machine, the Electron. Both use BBC BASIC but the Electron lacks Mode 7.

The logical choice of mode for the Electron is the four colour but memory-efficient Mode 5. User defined characters can be created to replace the teletext block graphics and Mode 7 CHR$ codes will have to be dispensed with. VDU 19 can provide some colour variation and the ENVELOPE statements can be modified to allow for the fact that the Electron does not recognise the last six parameters.



James McPherson

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