Commodore User

Bomber Run/Supavaders

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: K-Tel
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Commodore User #6

Bomber Run/Supavaders

Two games from you-know-who. Bomber Run is a classic Skramble-type game with little to recommend it above many others, other than the pretty cityscape over which you fly: Supavaders is a fairly good variation on the Invaders theme, where the aliens not only fall from the sky but take over your city as well.

Unfortunately these two games have almost nothing original to offer and simply do not compare in quality to even the poorest games available from the established software houses.

Other Reviews Of Supavaders & Bomber Run For The Commodore Vic 20

Supavaders/Bomber Run
A review by Pete Gerrard (Personal Computer News)