Future Publishing

Block Invasion

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Richard Wilson
Machine: Amstrad CPC464

Published in Amstrad Action 118

Block Invasion

Another clone, this time of an old classic, but is it actually any good?

As the game name suggests this is an invasion of blocks. The game is a Space Invaders clone - a black background with yellow (alien) blocks firing at your block ship.

It was an entry for the 1K 2002 minigame comp and once you know that then you'll understand why the game looks as it does.

As a 1K game it's a very good effort for a clone. It's nothing special but as 1K games go this is okay.

You have three lives as you try to shoot all the alien blocks before they get you. Doesn't have a lot of staying power or grab factor as Space Invaders has been cloned to death but the game is smooth and had no problems with keys only play.

Second Opinion

Yes, the graphics are poor, but if you can get by that then it's a pretty decent clone of Space Invaders.

First Day Target Score

Complete level one.


Space Invaders has been cloned to death.