Commodore User


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Alligata
Machine: Commodore 16

Published in Commodore User #22


Seems like the software houses can't convert their successful C64 games to the C16 quick enough. This of course is nothing but good news for games hungry C16 owners. The latest piece of good news comes in the form of Blagger, from Sheffield software house Alligata.

It's platform time again as you are cast in the role of Roger the Dodger. Not the naughty Beano boy, but the even naughtier, not to say, villainous master burglar. You must work your way from screen to screen collecting the golden keys located in the usual incredibly inaccessible places.

Once all the keys have been collected it's off to the safe which gains you access to the next screen. Points are awarded per key collected and a bonus is given for completing a screen in superquick time. Roger, having four lives is obviously no cat burglar (sorry), but gains an extra one for every ten thousand points scored.

To be honest I find these type of games infuriating and at times utterly soul-destroying. It takes you half an hour to work out exactly when and where you have to jump to avoid being zapped by some gremlin or other, nonchalantly strolling around the screen. Then when you do work it out, it's on to the next screen only to be wiped out in a matter of seconds due to total ignorance of what's coming at you and where it's coming from. Then you're back to square one and it's no easier the second time around, or the two hundredth for that matter. Still, I suppose that's the appeal of it really. Blagger's great and I'll play it till the cows come home, but I hate it.