Games Computing

Birds Of Prey

Publisher: Romik
Machine: BBC Model A & B

Published in Games Computing #5

Birds Of Prey (Romik)

Yet another variation on Galaxians. The aliens fly in formation at the top of the screen moving from side to side. Some will then decide to fly in a circle above where you move, all the time dropping bombs on you.

Aside from the birds in formation and the birds circling there are also kamikaze birds. These peel off from the formation and then attack you as they descend. If they miss you they go off the bottom of the screen and re-appear at the top.

Periodically you are attacked by death bombs. If you do not shoot them before they reach the bottom of the screen, you lose a life. You start off with three lives and gain an extra one every fourth screen that you clear.

I found that the keys are a little too close together for comfort, but this version of the arcade game is certainly playable.