Personal Computer News
6th April 1985Categories: Advertisement
Published in Personal Computer News #106
PCN Billboard
BBC B 1.2 + cassette over £120 of software, also books and mags. Only two months old. £400 ono. Tel: Crawley (0293) 28464 after 6pm
BBC B 1.2 OS, view, £275. Juki 6100 printer (perfect) inc. proportional daisywheel, £325. Zenith monitor, £40. Zygan Delta computer desk (as new), £75. Tel: 01-354 2991
BBC B or Electron printer cable 48in parallel, connects to most dot matrix printers. New unused duplicated purchase, £9. Tel: Banbury 55106
Electron for sale + £100 worth of original software, £150 for quick sale. Contact Cliff Wilkes, 14 Stadium Close, Holbrooks, Coventry
BBC B Software, over 750 programs to swap (all on disk). Please write (with list) to Joan Sp, Heidelaan 13, 8200 Brugge, Belgium. Also Electron software.
Atari 400/800/XL penpal wanted that will exchange software etc. Write to Phillip Abbott, 12 Moorside Gdns, Drighlington, Bradford BD11 1HZ with lists, etc.
Wanted: Cheap games for Atari 400, 16K on ROM or cassette. Write to: Jonathan Evans, Nantgqilym, Termerichion, St. Asaph, Clwyd LL17 0UG
Atari 1027 letter quality printer for sale. Tel: 01-804 0500, ask for Ian.
Atari Light Pen for sale. Only £15. Tel: 01-467 8854
Atari 800 + cassette + Happy 810 disk drive + 200 disks lots of software £300. Tel: 01-808 5151 ask for Mick.
Atari word processor; a disk-based program of truly professional quality. Brand new, boxed. Cost £100, sell for £35. Tel: 07048-77893.
Atari Software to sell. Over 140+ original programs with instructions available. Tape - £3, Disks - £4, ROMs - £5. Tel: Colin on 05806-3830 after 6pm.
Atari 32K adventure, Return To Eden by Level 9, £5. Original with clue sheet. Tel: 04023-40543, after 6pm.
Atari 800XL 64K £75. Atari 400 £2, case unit new only £30. Ass. cart £15. Tel: 01-249 9895 after 7pm only.
Atari 800XL + cassette deck + joystick + 3 cartridge games + blank tapes + few mags, used once, brand new. Absolute bargain. £200. Essex area. Tel: Harlow 20045.
Atari games for sale or will swap for your computer. Any computer considered, if working. Tel: (021) 749 4603 ask for Steve.
Atari 600XL 1010 cassette, joysticks £210 of original software books, magazine includes Pac-Man, Diamond, Dig-Dug £255 ono. Tel: High Wycombe 26910.
Atari 800 48K, 1050 disk drive, data recorder, lots of software, disks carts, cassettes, joystick, manuals, books. Cost £850 sell for £350 (073128) 262
Tangerine computer, many different boards including disk, also twin drives. SAE for details! J. C. Haines 112, Keslake Rd, London NW6 6DG
Wanted! MSX Penpal Gamester required to swap programs and playing tips. Everyone welcome. Write to: Jason, 114 Plas Newton Lane, Chester, Cheshire CH2 1PP
Seikosha AP100A printer, boxed as new, with BBC cable, 4 spare ribbons, paper. Bargain at only £99. Tel: Richard in 01-236 6640 (anytime)
Wanted Knight-Lore, Under Worlde by Ultimate. Also Airwolf by Elite and Ghostbusters by Activision. Tel: Bolney 736 and ask for Tes
Wanted by collector, computer hardware software and books, magazines, interested in anything!! Tel: Lee 0903-41633 for a reasonable offer. Remember anything considered.
I am an ex-Dragon user. I can help Dragon owners with any problems. I have some software and game instructions, i.e. instructions for a number of games. Tel: Bobby on 0274-495882, after 5pm
VTX 5000 with U-U software, £65 Kempston interface, £5 AGF programmable, £15. Software tapes £4.50 each, write Jon, Nantgwilym, Tremeirchion, St Asaph, Clwyd. Tel: 0745 75425
Memotech MTX500 with 32K expansion board + Pascal on ROM board + tape deck. £175 ono. Tel: Blackpool (-258) 403994
Stack 40180 column card. Convert your Vic 20 to 40/80 column screen. Cost £120, accept £35 ovno. Tel: Ian Jenkins, Widnes 051 423 1705
Cheetah Rat interface, ZX printer, Cambridge programmable interface as new £20 each. Tel: M Parker, Letchworth 71741
Tandy TRS-80 Model 1 Level 2, 16K RAM, computer cassette, leads + manuals; dust covers; books. Mint condition, never used. Cost £500 +, accept £200. Bloxwich 0922 405496
Stack 40180 column card. Convert your Vic 20 to 40/80 column screen. Cost £120, accept £35 ovno. Tel: Ian Jenkins, Widnes 051 423 1705
Cheetah Rat interface, ZX printer, Cambridge programmable interface as new £20 each. Tel: M. Parker, Letchworth 71741
Acetronic/Radiofin Television game: (programmable). Six cartridges including Shootout, Soccer, Grand Prix, etc. Excellent condition and boxed. Worth £200, accept £50. Tel: Leeds 871492
Magazines lots of different mags, inc PCN. Send sae to J. Close, Green Cottage, Caldecotte, Bow Brickhill, Milton Keynes MK7 8AA
Cityattak, Ghouls, Cybertron, Chines Juggler, Troopatruck £3.50 each or all and Rooty, Starace £15.00. Andy Clarke, 'Greenheath', Hilltop, Baddesley - Ensor, Atherstone CV9 2BQ. SAEs please
Software for sale including LOM, The Quill, White Lightning & many more. All originals, low prices. Tel: Andrew, Marlow 73567 after 6pm
For sale Acetronic video system with games. Football, Head On, Space Invaders, £30. Tel: Deeside 818764
Wanted: Quill, Illustrator, Dungeon Adventure. Will swap for top games like Knight Lore, Avalon, Snowball etc or Micro Command Speech Recognition. Tel: 0934 21437
Sord M5 Computer, cassette, Basic I, Basic G and games. Has good graphics and sound (almost BBC basic). Only £70 for complete system. Tel: 01-531 1374
Swap Air-Rifle or Sherpa Van for Commodore 64 software or printer or disk drive or modem. Devlin 01-684 1359
For Sale Yamaha CX5M music computer. Offers welcome. Kincardine 30463 or write Angus Sparrow, 135 Claret Road, Grangemouth, Stirlingshire
Sharp MZ-700 for sale. Built in cassette recorder and printer plotter, joystick, books, £300 software. £350. Tel: 041-941 1793 after 6.00pm (Glasgow)
Wanted pen pal, boy or girl to swap or buy Acorn Electron games if interested. (Chris) 0296 21375 after 6.00pm
Goldstar MSX, data recorder, £65 worth of software including Trac + Field, Antartic Adventure, Programmers manual. Worth £320, sell for £240. Tel: 0993 845096 (Mark)
Wanted Apple IIe with 2 disk drives, monitor, dot matrix printer, 80 col. card. Tel: 0452-728902 eve.
Amstrad and Spectrum games wanted. Top quality £20 per game. SAE plus tape to DJL, 6 Meon Way, Oaklands Est Wednesfield, West Midlands, M/C Basic
Lynx 48K with manual, leads, etc and including book, newsletters, demonstration programs and 3 games. Price £80 ono. Tel: Sellindge 3217
Wanted: broken or faulty computers in any condition. To be repaired and donated to children's hospitals and homes. Mr. E. Ward, 6 John Street, Boldon Colliery, Tyne and Wear NE35 9BW
Swap fishing tackle 4 reels, 3 rods, coarse tackle, Pike tackle etc. for Spectrum 48K and few mags. Tel: 0526 52420 and ask for further details.
Toshiba HX10 MSX + books and software, hardly used. £150. Tel: 01-808 5151, ask for Mick
I have a Scottish National Certificate in computer data processiing and require work as a junior programmer or junior operator. Tel: Bournemouth 424565
Swap typewriter duplicator Sharp PC1211, all mint, total value £450 for Vic 20 printer. SAE for full details: Elvin 214 Horninglow Rd, Firth Park, Sheffield
Apple II, disk controller and Disk 11. Some software. All in good order, only £450. Tel: 0604-720106/20349
Prestel/Acorn adaptor, little used, excellent condition plus literature £100 ono. Tel: Chatteris 03543-5595 any time.
Sord M5 colour computer C/W FALC, Basic I, Basic F, Basic G cartridges - brand new £70 ono. Steve Gold, Sheffield 666867. Write: 9 Watt Lane, Sheffield 10
Wanted information on software/hardware for use in an electron. Good price paid. Tel: 0602-413349
I have £200+ of joysticks interfaces, ROMs, sound amps, peripherals, tapes for sale separately or swap for ZX Interface 1 + Microdrive. Write to J. Mellor, Greenhaven, Clay Lane, Whitegate, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 2QE for details
Ferguson video plus tapes, as new, swap for Spectrum Microdrives printer or QL/Amstrad/Commodore 64 + drives. R Mackay, Brochrobbie Brora, Sutherland, Scotland. Tel: 0408-21870 eve.
Casio PB100 extra RAM fitted, cassette interface, printer and 35 rolls paper. Manuals and program library. £90 as new. Tel: Scott 0596-73651 after 6pm
Exchange Currah Microspeech (Spectrum) for Jupiter Ace complete with leads and manuals. Will also buy cheap books on Forth. Tel: Preston 0712-25689
NEC PC80001 64K CP/M twin disk drives. Monitor. NEC printer. All in excellent condition. Various software, WP/accounts/games etc. £695. Tel: Brighton 556184
Sharp PC1500 wanted with cassette interface etc. Tel: offers to 0423-69567 (5-6pm)
Sharp MZ80K 48K computer, £100 worth of software (education/games), books of programs, cover, external volume control, £140 ono. Tel: Grimsby 884723 eves
Memotech MTX512 with Newword word processor ROM and Memotech DMX80 printer, leads manuals, cover, software, excellent condition, £450. Will separate. Tel: 0702-529169
Epson HX20 mint condition microcassette expansion unit (32K RAM + card-index + shares portfolio, management programs + paper + ribbons + cassettes + manuals as disassembler + Dev-manual, £500 - ono. Tel: Oxford 0865 251498 day, 0865-251393 eves.
Wanted 200K disk drive 4A/80T. Also printer suitable for BBC B computer. Reply 302, Langland Road, Netherfield, Milton Keynes MK6 4HY
Half price. Impex MW350 printer interface. Emulate CBM printer on transparent £40. Buslacc II (disc) £30. Data Manager (tape) £10. Tel: (0932) 241242
Hobbit floppy tape system, forerunner of Ultradrive, including drive, EPROM, manual. Best offer over £30 for quick sale. Tel: 0924-275014 eves.
Currah Microspeech (Spectrum) as new £21, program joystick interface (Downsway) joystick interface (Downsway) £5. ZN printer plus 10 rolls paper £25. Tel: Tiptree 0621 816589. Essex.
PDP 8/F Teletype controler/microcomputer, can be interfaced with ASR 33. Teletype, 4 maintenance, 3 software manuals, circuit diagrams amd engineering drawings. £85 ono. Tel: Yelverton 854593
Ikon Ultradrive (BBC), ROM, manual, 4 cassettes. Also software Chuckie Egg, Fortress, Tarzan and Defender, only £80. Tel: 04024-72709, 7pm to 9pm only.
Serial interface for Epson printers by Micro Control Systems. 2K buffer. £30 hardly used. Tel: 0494 23858
Printer for Beeb. Microline 80 dot matrix. 80cps. Complete with lead, box paper and spare ribbons. £155 ono. Tel: Medway 0634 377982 after 7pm
Wanted Epson printer, also lightpen sutiable for BBC B. Advertised, 302 Langland Rd, Netherfield, Milton Keynes MK6 4HY
No more saving and loading troubles with Sinclair ZX81. Special monolith ECR81 cassette recorder with certification tape. Genuinely as new. £25. Tel: 067-55 2180
Wanted Tandy monitor with 12in green screen. Tel: Bristol 0272 562763
Details to convert Grundig super colour A2102 CTV for RGB input required. Any help appreciated. DK'Tronics programmable joystick interface, £18 ono. J. Conroy, Butlers Bridge, Co. Cavan, Eire
Seikosha 6P700A 7 colour printer, Centronics interface, Kempston centronics interface for Spectrum, light pen for Tasword 2. General file mailing list, £350 ono. Will split. Hardly used. Tel: 0376 48236
ICL green screen monitor composite, give away at £10. Tel: 051-423 5493 between 12-1pm. Must collect
Kaypro 2K twin disk drive 200K each, built-in monitor MT80 printer + Wordstar Perfect Filer, P Calc, P Writer Speller, M Basic C/PM. Cost £1,750: £750 ono. Tel: 0934 416471
MPS-801 printer, brand new, never used, boxed, sell for £170. Tel: 01-749 4253 after 5.30pm or 01-968 6622 work. (Dave)
Prism VTX5000 modem. Telecom approved for use with any Sinclair Spectrum. Excellent condition with all manuals. £55 ono. Tel: 0793 611525
GCL Sord M5 home computer 20K. Starter Park, 2 months old, hardly used, list price new £150, sell for £120. Tel: Southend 0702 541639
Dragon pair joystick controllers £7. Commmodore joystick £5. Also Connect 4 for 48K Spectrum £1 (original). All as new. R. Robertson, 39 Milnwood Drive, Mossend, Lanarkshire ML4 2RA
Wanted Atari 400 games, 1010 data recorder, Basic cartridge and manuals. Cash waiting for sale. Intellivision voice module, £20. 53 Warrensway, Woodside, Telford, Salop
Swap 22in Philips colour TV for good 14/16in colour portable or good computer or sell, £110 ono. Tel: Martin 01-534 3260 after 6pm
Enterprise printer and monochrome video leads + Z80 disassembler. Write to Luke Richdale, Summerfield, Hyde Land, Marlborough, Wilts
Speech recognition unit for Spectrum. Cost £50, yours for only £15. Tel: 01-472 7600. Includes demo tape and instructions.
Smith-Corona TP1 daisywheel printer (RS232 interface), hardly used, new ribbon, £199. Also Stack CBM64/RS232 cable for above, £15. Tel: Ken 0908-648656
Cumana Twin 800K disk drive, 40/80 switchable, own PSU, lead, manual, utilities disk. Still guaranteed. £3,000 s/w. £450 ono. Tel: 0246 823464 before 6pm (Blake)
Cumama CS100E 40TSS PSU. 11 months old £99. Prism 2000 modem and Micronet ROM (BBC) £60. Both inc leads and delivery/postage. Tel: Luton 412368
Joystick interface: DK'Tronics £5. CP supercode £8. Mr Wimpy £4. Timegate £4. Chess 32. Ah Diddums £4. Erik The Viking £8. Tel: Martin 01-534 3260 after 6pm
R+H Light Pen £30 or exchange for AMX mouse. Delta 14/B joystick adaptor £10. Tel: 041-946 9110
R+H Light Pen £30. Voltmace Delta adaptor for Delta 14/B, joysticks £10 or swap both for disk update (no DFS) (BBC). Tel: 041-946 9110
Brother M1009 printer, cable, tractor feed, and paper for £180. Comes with 11/5 month guarantee. Tel: 041-946 9110 after 7pm. (Must pay postage for paper)
Osborne 80 column double density twin drives monitor. Juki daisywheel printer, Wordstar Supercalc, Accounting Suite, etc. Securicor COD £800 ono. Tel: 0481-20608 Hunter
Wanted QL monitor for £80. Juki 2200 for £85. HP15C for £35. QL PL s/w for £25. Will consider offers. Tel: Mr. Daie 01-485 4508
Shinwa CP-80 Centronics dot-matrix printer. Epson compatible (well almost) £100 ono. Tel: Bryan 0732 461255 after 7pm, or 01-636 6890 ex 267 (day)
Seikosha GP-250X printer with parallel and serial RS232 interface. Suitable for most computers inc BBC. With BBC lead. Tel: 021-453 5008
Sharp PC1500 and C150 printer/cassette interface, complete with instruction and applications manuals, leads, etc. £115 ono. Tel: Leicester 0533-675463 after 6pm
ZX Spectrum 48K, books on machine code, etc. Lots of games also member of National Software Library. Tel: 061-430 2118
ZX81 1K+ data recorder, games and £50 worth of books and mags and tape holder, £70. Contact Michael Fordham, 4 Stonepit Cottages, Podington, Wellingborough, Northants NN9 7HR
Spectrum software. All the latest s/w titles, plenty to choose from. Chris, 5 Crossway, Littleworth, Stafford ST16 3TR. Tel: 0785 43640 after 4.30pm
48K Spectrum Interface 1, 1 Microdrive, 2 cartridges, data recorder, loads of games, plus books on m/c, Basic and magazines. All leads, manuals etc. £180. Tel: Birmingham 745 3878
Spectrum 48K wanted. Will pay £35. Tel: Leeds 579184 after 6pm
ZX81 16K Memotech keyboard, manual, all leads, lots of tapes. £50. Tel: 02403 28786
48K Spectrum three months old, Turbo interface, Quickshot II, £400 software (games, languages, utilities, educational), books, magazines. £185 bargain. Tel: 01-942 5797
Spectrum software to swap. Many titles old and new. Send letter and list to J. McAlinden, 12 Abberley Close, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 4LU. All letters answered.
Sinclair Flat Screen TV unwanted gift, twelve months guarantee. £89.95. Tel: 0782-622518 after 6pm
QL for sale. Hardly used, offers around £20. Tel: Christine 01-408 1234, days.
48K Spectrum for sale with joystick set, Microspeech, £150 of software. Worth £330, sell for only £185. Tel: 01-391 0754 and ask for Neil.
ZX81 16K + full travel DK Tronics keyboard, 62 software titles, data recorder, Alphacom printer + paper, 2 books. All excellent condition. Offers? Tel: 01-953 0455 after 4pm
16K ZX81 for sale. Still boxed excellent condition. £35 of software, will sell for £35! Also ZX81 keyboard (1 key needs attention) for £2.50. tEl: 0772-717607 (Preston) after 5pm weekdays.
48K Spectrum + software, £80. TI99/4A, w/joysticks, speech synthesizer, software, etc. £110 ono. ZX81, £7. Atari 2600. Wanted, Oric with programs. Tel: 021-838 7427
48K Spectrum games Kokotoni Wilf and Master of Serebal. Would like to swap for other Spectrum games. Tel: 0633-272309
Spectrum 48K and cassette recorder + Fuller keyboard + Micro Power sound board and Analog joystick + six games. £95 ono. Tel: 03744-5006 (Essex)
Wanted Spectrum software, Mugsy, Sherlock, Wrath of Maura, Tir Na Nog, Price Joust, any ultimate games, ZX printer. Iain Young 51 Nelson Street, Carlisle, Cumbria.
Kempston joystick interface £5. Spectrum software: Jet-pac, Frogger, Rescue, The Quest, VU-Calc, Spectrum Forth, Speakeasy. All originals, £2.50 each. Tel: 041-959 6125
48K Spectrum, cassette recorder, Currah Mspeech, programmable joystick interface + joystick, 250+ games v.g.c. Approx values £1,600, sell for £400. Tel: Romsey (-794) 517614 (after 6.30pm)
Software to swap (Spectrum) many top titles. Send list to Julian Frank 84 Neylond Crescent, Hellesdon, Norwich, Norfolk
Spectrum. The Great Space Race from Legend, cost £14.95, sell for £9.00 and Ghostbusters cost £9.99, sell for £7.00. Unwanted gifts. Tel: Alvaston 72961
Spectrum games to swap. I've got hundreds - pleace contact Tony Reeves, 5 Main St, Howsham, Lincs or Tel: 06527-341: 6pm-10pm only
For Sale Spectrum sound amp (ZX Box) £6. Also tapes Airwolf £5.50, Cyclone £5, B/Head £4, Trash II £3, B/Max £5. Greenhaven, Clay Lane, Whitegate, Winsford, Cheshire
For sale or swap, Psst ROM for other ROMs for Spectrum. Also any ROMs for sale? J. Meller, Greenhaven Clay Lane, Whitegate, Winsford Cheshire CW7 2QE
48K Spectrum + Fuller FDS keyboard + tape recorder + colour television, about 100 games, offers around £200. Tel: Leeds 0532 788058 eves/weekends
Spectrum 48K software Scope 2 - £5, Molar Maul, 2008, Pitman Seven, Quest, Raider Cursed Mine - all £2 each from: T. Stiles, 20 Montford Road, Romsey, Hants
Spectrum games to swap. Send your list to 73, Whitehourse Hill, Chislehurst, Kent BR7. Address it to Andrew Watton.
Swap Spectrum 48K still under guarantee and £280 worth of software for CBM64 and C2N or £300 ono. Tel: 01-674 2238, ask for Matthew 4-9pm
Spectrum software for sale, 40 titles. All original plus documentation etc, sae for list. 24 Hillfoot Rd, Collier Row, Romford RM5 3LP (J Howe)
QL program compendium including: Invaders, Breakout, Draughts, Mined Your Path, Calendar, Statistical Averages, only £7.50 for original Microdrive cartridge. Tel: Buckley 547323
Spectrum software, Mugsy cost £6.90 and Mr. Wimpy, cost £5.90. Never opened, unwanted gift. Offers. Tel: 01-584 1151
Swap Spectrum 48K Microdrive 2 cartridges Interface 1 Kempston interface, lightpen, carrycase for Commodore 64 and C2N 103, St. Lukes Rd, Southend SS2 4AE, Essex
ZX Spectrum 48K, AGF protocol 4 Interface, Quickshot 2, computer cassette recorder, and software, all less than one year old. Cost £100. Tel: Steve 0628-27483 eves
Wanted ikon ultra drive for Dragon 32. Tel: R Carrier 0702-67881
Dragon cartridges wanted. All Dream, Edit+ etc. Also Tandy and Dragon software. Will exchange for other cartridges, software. Write: Ian, 37 Harehills Ave, Leeds LS8 4EX
Dragon 32 joysticks, light pen, £200 worth of software, books, mags, only £200. Apply SAC G821077, Taylorson, Officers Mess, RAF, Lyneham, Chippenham, Wilts
Dragon 32 with cassette player, joysticks, manual, plus twenty tapes. £100 ono. Tel: 0895-444026 (Middlesex)
Join the national Dragon users group. Officially recognised by Eurohard and Touchmaster. Send an SAE to Paul Grade, 6 Navarino Rd, Worthing, Sussex
Dragon 32K for sale, vgc and boxed with £100 worth of software, 3 joysticks, magazines and books. £125 ono. Tel: 0373-864698
Dragon 32K plus assembler/editor and games for £55. Tel: After 5 or weekend, 01-986 2658
Dragon 32. Two tape decks. Three joysticks, lots of software. Value £400, will accept £250 ono. Contact I. Lett, 16 Whalebone Ave, Romford, Essex
Dragon software for sale. All originals, Microdeal, Cable, Ocean, etc. Most half price or less. Tel: 0865-64423 for list (after 7pm)