Personal Computer News


Published in Personal Computer News #078



Acorn Electron, 6 months old, still in box. Excellent condition complete wth over £40 software, bargain £175. Tel: David on 021 520 4416.

BBC B, latest specification, manuals, leads, data recorder, software. Worth £500. Will sell for £250. Tel: 01-698 0011 after 6pm.

BBC B as new with joysticks, advanced guide, many mags, £1,000+ software including best arcade games. Worth £1,448. Sell for £399. Buyer collects. Tel: (0484) 47949.

BBC B DFS, dual Cumana drives 20K (new). Centronics printer, manuals and games, disks. The lot £575 ono. Tel: Richard on 01-739 2273

Beeb games for sale. All originals. Flight Simulator. Eldorado Gold. Galazians. Cowboy Shootout. £5. Super Invaders, music synthesizer £6. Tel: (0656) 721441.

Beebug magazines: Vols 1 and 2 complete (10 issues) in official binders. £17. Buyer collects. Tel: (01 444 6244, evenings only).

Swap Commodore 64, C2N cassette, Simon's Basic, joystick, portable colour TV, software. Wanted Sharp M280A/B Model or BBC. Tel: (0900) 65614

Torch Z80 disk pack plus software, BBC B plus disk interface, BBC Green Monitor, Total value £1,400. 5 months old. Selling price, £990. Tel: H. Heuschmidt, 01-730 1931.


Apple II 64K RAM, 2 disk drives, Microvitec colour monitor, 80 column, RS232 and Z80 cards, Pascal manuals, books, magazines, offers around £1,000. Tel: (0279) 33711 evenings.


Atari 400 16K + cassette recorder, Basic, software, manuals, books, listings + joysticks. All boxed as new. Cost £450 new, £240 only. Tel: (0246) 414966

Atari 800 48K, 810 drive, 850 interface, 410 tape recorder, all £300. Also disks and cartridges. Tel: 0970-828851.

Atari 800 48K £129. Also Roms, Chess, Galaxian, Centipede, £7.50 each. Tel: 01-570 3690

Atari Disks for sale. Dimension X, £10. A. E. Tumble Bugs, Track Attack, Sea Dragon, £6 each. All originals. Tel: 0283-48415

Ataris for sale. Atari 400 with educational software + cassette drive (opt. disk drive) + lots of games. Around £250-£300. And/or Atari VCS + 17 games + all controllers made, around £100 (or less). Tel (0932) 552093.

Camputers Lynx

Lynx 48K plus approx £100 extras. In good condition. £100 only. Tel: 01-735 4861 ext. 69 (office), 01-656 2897 (home).

Lynx 48K in excellent condition, manuals, tapes, leads and user magazines included, £130 ono. Tel: 01-561 4653 and ask for Daren.

Lynx 48K, boxed as new, manual, leads, demo tape, plus assembler/disassembler, Lynx User magazines, £110 ono. Tel: (06333) 60547

Two Lynx micros 48K + 96K, printer and joystick interfaces, word processor, assembler, games, all boxed. Ideal for communications link. £500 ono. Tel: Warren on 01-841 5616.

Colour Genie

Colour Genie Software to swap, all German and Dutch, top programs. Peter Heezen, Dorpsdijk 199, 3161 CC Rhoon (z.h.), The Netherlands.

Video Genie 16K, cassette, sound. £75. ZX printer, £10. Alphacom 32 printer for Spectrum, £45. Tel: Kirkham 682337.

Wanted Software for the Colour Genie (16K), EG A-10 Bomber, Zen, any Quest etc. Tel: 0448 31520 after 7pm.


CBM 3032 32K computer + Toolkit, Combis-Chip, cassette, Commodore 3040 disk drive, Commodore 3022 printer, £800 plus £100 of software. Call Allan Jones on Deeside 816893.

CBM 64 program sale excellent value 70K all four: Helliblitz, Moonship, Breakout, Packman. Send blank tape and p/o for £4 to: Steven Nation, 22 Haywood Rd, Taunton, Somerset.

CBM-64 software for sale. Many titles. Tel: 061-881 3651.

CBM 64 software to swap or sell. Many populate titles including International Soccer, Forbidden Forest. Also educational software and business. Tel: Ruislip (71) 75885.

CBM 64 C2N tape, (5 month guarantee), joystick, reference guide, software, books, cover and keyboard overlay, all boxed as new. £220. Tel: Crewe 820349.

Commodore 64, perfect condition, used twice, also L2N unit. All boxed as new with all leads, etc. Unwanted gifts. Cost over £260, accept £150 ono. Tel: (0532) 696415.

Commodore 64, software to swap or sell. Titles include: Zaxxon, Blue Maz, Jumpman Jr. and many more. Write (Send your list) to: Helge Stava, 4274 Stol, Norway.

Commodore 1541 Disk Drive, hardly used, Original box with six disks copy disk to disk games and four blanks. £150. Tel: Tyneside 4300059 (John).

Commodore Pet 3016, new ROM, large keyboard, 16K, cassette, built-in screen, very good condition, £250 ono including games: Invaders, Breakout, etc. Tel: Wolverhampton 757584

Practicalc (Disk) for CBM 64 only £25 and Macro Assembler Development System (disk) only £20. Tel: Albert (Oxford) 54084.

Vic 20, cassette recorder, Intro to Basic computer course, two cartridges, tapes, books, Commodore User mags, joystick. Accept £80 ono. Tel: Norwich (0603) 613444. Ask for Simon.

Vic 20 games including Setpac matrix, Bongo, Micropoly, £2 each. 33 games cassette total ROM cartridges, £3 each. 16K RAM £9.99. Tel: 0294 56449.

Vic 20 software, 30 games, £2.50 or less each - £50 the lot. 20 CBM 64 games £40 or £2.50 each. P. Simpson, 11 Egremount Street, Millom, Cumbria.

Wanted Commodore 64 + Tape Deck will swap for Memotech MIX-500 + tape dick. Tel: Blackpool (0254) 403994.


Dragon 32, joystick, converter, magazines, M-code book, dust cover + software. Less than a year old, £140. Tandy CGP-115 Printer, £99. Together for £230. Tel: 01-360 3443

Dragon software, 28 original cassettes, all mint condition. Many titles, £2-£4 each. (Getting a Commodore.) Tel: 061-682 5024 after 7pm.

Dragon 32 + 2 joysticks, dustcover, light pen, large assortment of programming books and magazines. Also 15 software titles, worth £37. Will sell for £140 ono. Tel: 01-393-1425.

For Sale: Dragon 32, £130 of original software (Buzzard Bait, Pedro, etc), manual, leads, joystick, etc. All for £110 ono. Tel: Laurence (0202) 737244 (after 5pm).

Jupiter Ace

Wanted Jupiter Ace or ZX80. Pay max £12 or swap for Spectrum software. Contract 'Phred', 22 Lynndale Avenue, Birkby, Huddersfield, W. Yorks. Tel: (0484) 29355.


Doesn't anyone out there have £200 for an Oric 1 48K Atmos Oric 1 48K, printer, recorder, £100 software, books, mags, brilliant for small business or for beginner. Worth over £500. Sell for bargain price, £420. Tel: 0939 260 887 after 6pm.

Oric 1 48K including all leads and adapter, lots of software, (Hunch, Painter, etc) and books. All less than 5 months old, excellent condition. Only £92. Tel: 0277-352881.

Oric 48K, little used with cassette recorder, manual, leads, books, Forth and many games, etc, excellent condition. £110 only. Tel: (0732) 450281 evenings.

Oric Atmos 48K, 9 months guarantee left, plus £45 worth of software, including The Hobbit, and a cassette recorder. Only £150. Tel: 021-429 6056.

Oric Atmos software wanted, pay half price. Send lists for reply by return to R. Gruszka, 113 Broomfield Road, Marsh, Huddersfield.


Sharp M2-80K compatible to M2-80A and M2-80B, printer, I/O box and cards, over £2,000 worth of business, games and utility software, over 11 languages. The lot for £500. Tel: (0582) 458757

Swap Sharp MZ700 mint condition in large briefcase plus s/w for Commodore 64 with s/w. Write to: 214 Horninglow Road, Sheffield.


Kempston Centronics printer interface for 49K or 16K Spectrum boxed. Hardly used. £30 ono. Tel: Simon (0734) 584561 after 6pm

Interface 1 and Microdrive-Brand - new, never used. Worth £100, accept £65. Tel: 035 389-678.

Spectrum 48K, Microdrive, Interface 1, ZX Printer, proper keyboard, 3 Microdrive cartridges, Forth, Assembler + other software, manuals, £220 ono. Tel: Cliff 01-636 2100 (days).

Spectrum 48K, DKTronics keyboard, ZX printer, Kempston joystick, and over £850 worth of software. Total value £1,050+ asking £425 ono. Tel: St. Annes (0253) 738139

Spectrum 48K, losts or software, Currah Uspeech unit worth over £240. Will sell for £170 ono. Tel: 0324 716104.

Spectrum 48K, printer, 3 rolls paper, recorder, downway programmable joystick interface, print 'n plotter jotter, over £100. Original software, Hobbit, finance, address manager. Worth £370, £220 ono. Tel: (0291) 424526.

Spectrum Micro Prolog program & book. Cost £25, sell for £18. Write to: Steve Rouse, 11 Steve Trafalgar Way, Billericay, Essex CM12 0UT.


Texas TI99/4A, as new, plus joysticks, connect four cartridge and Basic education tape, £75 ono. Tel: (06333) 60547.

TI-99/4A with extended Basic, Parsee, Alpiner, TI Invaders, Soccer, Connect 4, Blasto, Car Wars, plus lots of cassette games and accessories. £200. Tel: 0245 260566.

TI-99/4A modules, Parsee, Amazing, Invaders, Soccer, Alpiner, Connect Four, Hen House, Ex Bas, two Quickshot II joysticks, adapter for Atari/com, joysticks, all for sale. Tel: (0603) 615599.

TI-99/4A Expansion box (unused), ex-Basic, M Memory, PRK, Parsec, Munchman, all going cheap. Tel: Bristol 685934 after 6pm.

TI-99/4A Computer, computer with manuals, cassette leads, Munch-Man cartridge and more "gt more from the TI99/4A" £60 ono. Tel: 01-639 5080.


TRS-80 Model 1, level 2, 16K video monitor, tape recorder, leads, printer interface (Centronic), games + business software. Also manuals and extra books: £100. Tel: (04024) 44413.

TRS-80 Programs wanted and for sale, completed Spectrum system for sale. Penpal wanted. TRS-80 Model I E/1 wanted write: 39 Tetbury Drive, Warndon, Worcs. WR4 9LG

Wanted TRS-80 Model 1 extension interface with or without RAM. Tel: Nottingham 812894. Ask for Ted.


Wanted ZX81 Printer with leads and paper if possible. Tel: Derby (0332) 31007.

ZX81 16K computer with 50 games cassettes plus 21 games and related magazines, £50. Tel: Chelmsford 381368.

ZX81 18K, UDG, DKTronics Keyboard, screen inverter, games, utilities, many books, mags, etc, £80 ono. Tel: Cambridge (0223) 213687 after 6pm.

ZX81 Printer, £25. Tel: R. Whitehead on Todmorden (0214) 566.

ZX81 16K, still boxed, Filesixty keyboard games, magazines, manuals, £30 ono. Tel: 01-891 3850.


HP-67 fully programmable calculator, 225 steps of program + 25 storage registers + magnetic card reader, many ready programs to run. Offers above £200. Contact: E. Daggas, Airlie Hall, Airlie Place, Dundee DD1 4HG.

LOOK! Will accept anything e.g. 16 ZX81 or cash or W.H.Y. For VCS Q-Bert (£15ono) and Spiderman (£5 ono). Both as new, used twice only. Tel: 01-674-0781.

Micronet Acoustic Modem with BBC software and power supply, boxed £40 ono. Tel: Kevin 04626 73283 after 7pm.

Newbrain A with all leads, manual, beginners guide, technical manual, assembler programming language and Basic. Cost £350 will sell for £99 ono. Phone St. Albans 33466.

Q-Bert and Spiderman for Atari-VCSm, will accept anything, money or Amstrad games or ZX81 16K or what? Open to any offers. Tel: 01-674-0781 after 4.30pm.

Wanted. Any back issues of PCN. Must be good condition. Will pay 25p per issue. Binders also wanted. Tel: Northampton 890621.