Personal Computer News
1st September 1984Categories: Advertisement
Author: Peter Worlock
Published in Personal Computer News #076
PCN Billboard
Pocket computer: Casio FX802P + FA3 cassette interface, built-in printer, instruction manuals, program library, battery charger, carrying case. Cost £120, only £50. Tel: 0422 75366
For sale one key entry for Vic 20 like ZX Spectrum, £3.95. Tel: 0562 742883
Beat this. Memotech MTX500 32K. Built-in Basic, Noddy, assembler, tapes and manuals. Unwanted gift. Guaranteed unused, excellent value. Only £200 ono. Tel: Leighton Buzzard (0525) 377910 evenings.
Lynx 48/96K parallel printer interface, brand new, £35 ono. Tel: (0279) 23606.
CBM64 games. Flight Path 737 and Mr. Wimpy, £5 each or both for £8. Tel: Huntingdon 810994
DK'Tronics Spectrum keyboard £25: Sinclair printer plus spare paper roll £20; Spectrum software. Please phone for details. Tel: Phil on Pontefract (0977) 795904
Atari: printer and disk utility software for sale for use with personal computers. All disk-based. Tel: Slough (0763) 28029
HP41C (given) brand new and unboxed. £75 ono. I've bought an HP71C. Tel: 01-660 0092 after 6.30pm (Croydon area)
48K Spectrum, light-rifle, cassette recorder, cassette case, collection of PCN, many top games, £200 ono. Tel: Steve on 0203 418809 after 4.30pm
Z80 development system consisting of Newbrain A, monochrome monitor, cassette recorder, and Professional assembler programming language, technical manuals and other programs. £160 ono. Tel: St. Albans 33466
Electron games for sale. Felix in the Factor, Pettigrews Diary, Escape from Moonbase Alpha, £4.50 each. 25 Oxwich Road, Mochdre Colwyn Bay, Clwyd, LL28 5AG
For sale new Atari 800XL £150, new 1010 recorder £30. For Atari: new Blackthorn printer interface (with cable) £55. Touch tablet £40. Tel: Slough 71392
16K ZX81 raised up keyboard. Games including Frogger & Scramble. All leads included. £50. Tel: John on 01-368 8600 after 6pm
Newbrain AD with beginner's guide book and tape, data recorder and all leads. £110. Tel: 0427 752096 after 6pm
Vic 20, 3K RAM pack, joystick, toolkit chip, monitor chip, 4 games tapes, clone cassette deck, £75. Tel: 01-451 0520
BBC originals - Cylon, Chuckkie, Daredevil Dennis, 744, Snapper, £4 each. Twim Kingdom, The Vallet, 3 Scott Adams, £5 each. Tel: Julian on (0423) 68383
Superb bargain: 48K Spectrum and approximately £50 worth of quality software and books. All leads and PSU. Tel: 061-794 1696 with serious offers around £100
BBC Model B, Acorn 800K disk drives OS1.2, Basic 2, Solidisk 32K RAM board, joysticks, vast collection of software! £900 ono. Will split. Richard 01-340 0534
Vic 20, cassette, joystick, 7 quality games, blank cassettes, over 30 magazines and books including the Home Computer Course, £100 ono. Phone 0902-751571
Wanted: Pole Position for Spectrum 48K. Phone Melrose 2387 and ask for Don
Sinclair Interface 1 & 2, Micro drives with 6 cartridges, as new - £110. Currah Speech £15. DK Tronics light pen £10. Tel: Rushden (0933) 59167
Atmos 48K, brand new c/w tape player, four inline 13A sockets, 1 years subscription Oric Owner - £120 ono. M. J. Swanson, Spilsby, Lincs. Phone Spilsby 52120
Oric 48K + £70 software for sale - £80 ono. Tel Ilkeston (0602) 306030 after 4pm or will exchange for CBM disk drive, will make up difference.
Oric 1 48K, 6 games, over 1 year's guarantee, two Oric owner mags, excellent condition, total value £180, sell for only £120 ono. Ring Paul (0772) 720538
For sale: 8 4116 dram 200 N.S. unused, not now required. All for £7. Phone 061-865 5809
Memotech MTX-500 + tape deck - £175 ono. Atari 600XL + 4 ROM cartridges - £125 ono. Phone Blackpool (0253) 403994
Oric 48K, recorder, 7 tapes (Hobbit, Chess, M. A. R. C. ), 7 books (enought to keep you going for years) £150. Portsmouth 665625 after 6pm
Colour Printer, 5x7 dot matrix with parallel interface. Prints in seven colours, in excellent condition £250 ono. Phone 0865 750600 evenings
Twin 8-inch disk drives, DS/DD, apporx. 3Mb, compact and fast, complete with disks, manual, leads and diagrams, £150 ono. Phone 0865 750600 evenings
Vic 20, cassette desk, 16K, joystick, games (Chess, Skramble, etc), Programmer's Reference Guide, + misc. books and tapes - £100. Tel: 031-228 1961 6-8pm
Newbrain A - £125. Tel: 01-889 3571
48K Spectrum, Microdrive. Interface 1, cassette recorder and 70 good games. Worth over £750, sell for just £350. Tel. 07750 4341 after 6.30pm
TRS-80 Model 1, level 2, 48K, video monitor, cassette leads, games and business software (disk), manuals and many books - £285. Tel: Potters Bar 50762
IBM 3982 printer with an interface for TRS 80 model 1 - £85. LDOS version 5.0.2 for TRS 80 only £90. Tel: Potters Bar 50762 after 8pm.
Pet word processor by Petsoft (disk-compatible. Will sell for only £8 as it is of no use to me. Tel: 01-954 4548. Gavin.
Sharp MZ80K, including monitor, recorder, 48K. Hundreds of games utilities WP's etc, books, cover. Only £160 for quick sale. Tel 061-796 8375
Lynx 96K, complete, perfect condition + Monster Mine and Power Blaster games £215. Tel (0622) 65635 (Maidstone)
Vic 20, C2N, Super Expander, 16K, cartridges, adventures and £70 worth of games. Maplin voice synthesiser and lots more £120. Tel 0934-510842. Stephen.
Colour Genie parallel printer interface - EACA EG2012 £15 ono. Tel. (0703) 694856
16K Solidisk sideways RAM board with over 40 ROMs, worth well over £1,500, sell for only £150. (duplicated prize). Tel. (05827) 69152 now!
32K RAM Pack wanted for issue 3 ZX Spec, in exchange for a Currah speech Unit. Less than a year old. Please write to Mr J Uzu, 19 Carter Knowle Rd, Sheffield S7 2DW. Please give your telephone number.
BBC B OS 1.2, disk drive, Watford DFS, Disk Doctor, Exmon, Tape recorder, joysticks lots of software, manuals. Tel: 01-657 2161 evenings or weekends offers £700 ono.
48K Spectrum for sale, DKTronics keyboard, Kempston Joystick Interface, ZX printer, £200 software, £20 books. Tel Saddleworth (04577) 4086 (ask for Nick) for details
CBM 64 original software for sale, perfect condition, less than half price. Tel 01-254 7758 after 5pm
TRS-80 Model 1 Level II with printer interface, TV output adaptor, lots of programs, books etc (too many to list). £100 ono. Blackpool (0253) 824495
Vic 20 starter pack with over £100 pounds worth of software. Very good condition, less than seven months old. Worth £230, bargain at £100. Buckley 543912
Spectrum original games for sale including Blue Thunder, Hunchback, Cookie, Pyramid, Kong, Dimension Destutions, Intruders, Spawn of Evil, Scuba Drive, all £3.99 each. Tel. Henry 01-686 4933
ZX81 working order. For games including Football Manager & Zuckman £50 ono. Tel (031) 336 4342 after 6.30
Spectrum games £2.50 each. Many titles available Jet Set Willy, Manic Miner, Atic Atac, etc. All originals. Tel: (0472) 885 380.
TI 99/4A expansion boards wanted in exchange for Fleishmann 'N' gauge railway equipment. Majority new and unused value £1,400. Tel. 0202 433704 anytime.
Book - Simple Interfacing Projects £4. ZX81 plotter film £2. Blank C15 tapes 50p. Buyer collects/pays postage. Tel. Colin after 6pm Lincolnm (0522) 681927
Cut sheet feeder made by Rutishauser, suitable for Olympia ESW 100 RO or KSR £100 ono. Tel. Bagshot (0276) 73906
Dragon DOS cartridge £50 ono or swap for premier DOS or modem or anything considered. Tel. Peter, Antrim 65345
Ideal small business 48K Genie computer with built-in recorder, single disk drive, plus expander box and green monitor, LDOS, software, books £325. Tel (09803) 8865
Microvitec Cub monitor, ideal for BBC only £150. Also Seikosha GP100A DOT matrix printer plus fanfold paper, bargain at £100. Tel Bulford Camp 8865
Vic 20 C2N joystick, games mags and dust cover, intro to basic £110. Tel Accrington (0254) 35353
Sharp MZ80K with built-in monitor and cassette. Some software and manual. Must go at £150 ono. Tel 041-942 0117
Oric 48K with six tapes, leads, mags, worth £185, sell £75. Bargain. Tel. Ian on 01-898 2748
TI 99/4A Modules - will swap Video Chess or Parsec for Statistics or report generator. Tel. (0206) 562187 evens.
Vic 20 + 16K, cassette recorder and joystick. Includes four program manuals and lots of software. Will sell for £140. Telephone Kuren, 01-572 6725, Hounslow East
Epson MX80 F/T printer and paper. Boxed as new, friction/tractor feed, very reliable printer. Quick sale vital, so £180. Welwyn Garden (07073) 23505 11am-7pm
Dragon 32, joysticks, £360 + software, books, listings, Dragon User magazines £350 ono. All in good condition. Tel: 01-472 5537 any time after 5.30pm
BBC original software for sale. Wordwise plus Spelling checker - £25.00, programable Quickshot I - £12.00. Spectrum software wanted. Phone Clive at Ruislip 30965 after 6.30pm
Seikosha GP100A printer - Centronics interface, ideal for BBC, Dragon etc. Excellent condition £130 ono. Contact Harry at 01-603 9315. Also sideways ROM board - £30 ono.
ZX81 plus 16K, Good Condition - £35. Tel: Rugby 60933
Dragon Software, swap many titles inc. Zaxxon, Grabber, Chuckie Egg and many more. Tel: Richard 01-467 9885. Address: 22 Camden Park Road, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5HG
ZX81 + 16K sound, £30 software eg. Flight Simulation, Cosmic Guerrilla and Castle Adventure - only £90. Phone 031-667 8308
Atari 400 16K including Basic, cassette player, two Quickshot Joysticks and many games and books. Must sell. Tel: Woking 67454 eves.
TI-99/4A plus joysticks, 2 command modules, cassette (Teach Yourself Beginners Basic), cassette leads, 2 books - £100. Phone Bedford 55735
Commodore 64 C2N, joystick, £160 of software, Sony black and white monitor, books, mags to exchange for BBC Micro B, OS 1.2. Contact Philip on 022 14-69912
Brand new copy of Scribe (word processor ROM for BBC B). Cost £60, yours for £32. Phone Ian, 0773-831291
Sirius - 2 x 1.2Mb floppy, 256K RAM, Z80 card, Wordstar, Mailmerge, Proofreader, Grammatic, Supercalc, dBase, Graphics Software and much more. Offers around £2,500. Phone Lorne on 01-723 9146
Swap my Q-S games designer or Mugsy for your Groucho. Must be able to deliver. tel. 2268790 (Liverpool)
For sale: Texas extended Basic module plus manual, smart sprite programming guide, stainless software asteroids (cassette), two copies 99'er magazine. £45 ono. S. Copping, 3 St. Pauls Road, Honiton, Devon
Lynx 48K computer for sale, with £50 software, joystick interface & magazines. Good condition, only £100 ono. Tel. Fareham (0329) 234859. After 6pm
Epson HX-20 portable in own case. Unwanted prize. Highest rating in What Micro price guide. £450 ono (0946) 65895 10am - 7pm will deliver by Securicor
For sale: colour and sound video game. The Grandstand Adman 3000 complete with two joysticks and PSU - play football, squash, etc. great family fun. £25 (or swap for IBM PCXT) West Wellow 23041 evenings
BBC 'B' 1.2 OS with latest software inc. Frak worth £100's. Loads of books, manuals and all leads. Still in box. Only £310 Tel. 061-428 9707 anytime.
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