Oric 48K with software. Zorgon's Revenge, Hopper, Centipede, Dracula's Revenge, Ice Giant, Hunchback, Xenon, Harrier Attack, 3D Maze, Breakout, Defence Force, etc. £150 ono. Tel: Garston 662305.
Vic 20. Almost new. Super Expander, m/code, monitor 8K, 16K. Many cartridges, tapes including Avenger, Chess, Bonzo, adventures. £170. Tel: 01-291 3329 after 6pm.
Wanted CBM 64 and Spectrum software originals only inc. inlay cards, some Spectrum games to swap. Tel (305 42) 3971 or send list + sae to 1 Rosedene, March, Cambs PE15 9BN.
Dragon 32 boxed as new, with software, book, also joysticks and all leads. £160 ono. Tel Maidstone 62108.
BBC B video Genie 32K lots of extras as new both boxed. Best price for either secures. Tel Steven 01-886 7358 or 01-952 8860
Oric-1 48K software for sale. Zodiac Adventure, Oric Flight and Games Compendium. £5 each. Tel Llangefne 724291 after 6pm.
ZX81 + 16K with executive keyboard and smart durable, casing, manual, leads, books and games software, good condition, all boxed. Tel Roy 0703-555741.
Microwriter case, charger, manuals, cost £285. £200 ono. Tel 01-850 5594.
Atari 400/800/XL software. Canyon Climber, Ghost Hunter, original cassettes, £8 each. Le Stick joystick, £12. Wanted: Pole Position, Atariwriter, Joust, original cartridges. Tel: 01-341 0464 evenings.
Wanted BBC B 1.0 OS. Will travel 250 miles to collect. Peripherals also considered. Please phone Worthing 62076.
Vic 20 simple calc program £12. Blank C-10 cassettes 40p each. Vic Revealed £5 McKenzie, 13 Grasvenor Avenue, Barnet, Herts EN5 2BZ. Tel: 01-449 4726.
Line printer Tandy VII 80 cpl u/l case plus graphics. Parallel and RS232 interfaces. £110 including cable, paper, etc. Tel Bolton 41459.
TRS-80, level II 48K + l. case, joystick port, anti-glitch, numeric keypad, printer interface, software, manuals, leads. £240. Simon (05827) 68663 evenings please.
Atari Star Raiders, Mountain King, River Rescue, Nukwar, controller OK Galaxy. All boxed. Will swap for Atari 850 or Modem or £15 ROM £10 cass or WHY Tel 0268 558037.
Colour Genie software, 16K stock-market on cassette. Features include tax, Newsflash. £3.50. Roger Moore, 67 Manor Drive North, Acomb, York, TO2 5RY.
Dragon 32 + joysticks, software cartridge, cassette recorder, books and magazines. £180 ono. Rajesh. Tel: 01-902 7738.
ZX81 16K + file-sixty keyboard + manual. £30. Tel 061-766 7960 after 5pm.
Spectrum software. More than 60 games and utilities at less than half price. SAE, 116 Ashton Lane, Sale, Cheshire.
Dragon 32, joystick, Compusense, hi-res, cartridge, plenty of software, books, magazines, £170. Tel Newcastle-under-Lyme 721491.
Texas TI 99/4A computer plus Invaders, Munchman, Parsec, extended Basic, Minimemory, Frogger, assembler, speech synthesizer, cassette recorder and all books, £180. Tel: Chagford 064-73 3392.
Wanted Valforth language for the Atari 400/800. Plus set of Valforth utilities and manuals. Good price paid. Tel Grant on 0309-73694 after 5pm.
Sharp MZ80A 48K new boxed. Complete with demonstration tape and manual. £275 also Sharp PC1500 with printer, cassette interface, manual. £150. Tel: Bathgate 632689.
New owner of C64 wishes to buy all kinds of disc cartridge software, also books and copies of Compute magazine. Tel evenings Bristol 611712.
Vic 20 16+ 3K RAM expansion, books, Quickshot joystick, cassette deck, software, extended TV lead, dust cover, all boxed. Only £200. Tel 01-907 9572.
Apple II for sale plus two disc drives plus visual display unit. Immaculate condition, £400 ono. Tel: Birmingham 021-427 5856.
Vic 20 C2N cassette, Basic pt 1, Sargon 2 Chess, Arcadia, plus five other games cassettes. £110 ono. Tel Mark 01-864 7953 evenings (Greenford). Might swap.
BBC (B) With 1.2 OS + wordwise + 2 joysticks + tape recorder + m/c book + magazines + software. Will accept £480. Ezra, evenings. Tel 01-458 6440.
ZX-81 16K computer, leads, manual, books, monkees cassette and 4 others. Plus Adam Ant tape. Only £45 ono. Robert 01-935 5993.
Wanted 48K Spectrum and extras will pay £250 or swap for VIC-20 16K, joystick, c2N, books and software. Will collect. Tel 0676 23281.
Swap computer flash gun, beep timer, darkroom exposure meter. For 48K spectrum printer, paper, plus serious software. R. Mackay, Brochrobbie, Brora, Sutherland, Scotland KW9 6NE.
Wanted Dragon games. Monster Maze, Scarfman, The Valley, Pharoah's Curse, Wizard War, Empire, Pettigrew's Diary. Tel 0259 723921. Gordon.
48K Lynx boxed, under guarantee, excellent condition. Includes manual, leads and some software. £150. Dorchester area. Tel 0929 462872.
48K Oric-1 boxed. Tape recorder, leads, five games, Oricmon tape. Meteoric programming book. Price £150. Tel: 0592 204600. Evenings.
Wanted Acorn Atom with via and printer o/p will pay up to £50. Richard Hutt, Lingmell, Abbey Rd, St. Bees, Cumbria CA27 0ED. Tel: Egremont 82245.