Commodore User

Berks 3
Commodore 16/Plus 4

Published in Commodore User #21

Berks 3

They say there's one born every minute, and the rate Jon Williams is going at I can well believe it. Berks 3 takes you back in time to the City of the Berks.

You must penetrate the Berks' inner sanctum and steal the source of their power, hoards of treasure.

On the way keys must be collected from each room. A more difficult task than it sounds, as each key is surrounded by a barrier of protective blocks, through which a path must be blasted.


To add to your problems, hordes of Berks and their faithful homing drones are constantly in hot pursuit. You start with a generous five lives and can gain an additional four by collecting the various hearts dotted around the place.

Berks 3 is, without doubt, the best of the bunch. If you don't already have Berks of one form or another, go for this one.

Calling all Berks fans. If you are a fan of the excellent Berks series then you won't want to miss your chance to get the fourth and final game in the series absolutely free.

Berks programmer - Jon Williams - has written Baby Berks exclusively for Commodore User readers. The game is published in listing form in our Celebrity Book Of Games which came free with this magazine.

If you don't want to type it in, it is available from CRL, 9 Kings Yard, London E15. Please send cheque or postal order for £3.00. Your application must include a cut-out of this review.