Games Computing

Beaky And The Eggsnatchers

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Fantasy
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Games Computing #11

Beaky And The Eggsnatchers (Fantasy)

Beaky belongs to the rare goggled variety of Andromedon Armed Condors. He lives on the planet Crackit but his species is dying out as a result of the workings of the evil creatures know as the Eggsnatchers. The Eggsnatchers' sole, malicious intent is to extinguish the Andromedon Condorian race from the surface of Crackit.

You play the part of Beaky who must brood, hatch and rear as many young Beakies as possible through twelve exciting screens of action.

The twelve screens are divided into four life cycles and each life cycle consists of three different screens. Screen one has the Eggsnatchers stealing your eggs then disappearing. In this stage you must shoot at the Eggsnatchers whilst they are holding an egg. When shot they drop the egg and Beaky must pick it up and drop it in its nest. In the last three stages green mutant eggs will drop and if allowed to reach the nest one egg will disappear. Beaky is armed with potent magic seeds which he can spit out at short intervals. In screen two you must brood the egg. Beaky's eggs only take two minutes to brood but in this time they are under constant threat. The Eggsnatchers drop snowflakes from above the screen which lower the temperature of the eggs. If the temperature reaches zero one egg will be lost.

Beaky And The Egg Snatchers

Also a creature, related to the infamous googly bird and distantly related to our terrestrial frog, makes an appearance. These are called Froogles. Froogles have enormous resources of dark magic. When they appear on the screen they hop towards the next. Once a Froogle reaches this it will release a nitrogen bomb.

The third screen has you rearing the young Beakies. You must capture the wriggly, flying worms to feed the chicks before they die. On the screen at the same time are Eggsnatchers who are dropping bombs into the nest.

The graphics are detailed and the movement is very smooth. The game is very addictive. The sound is also marvellous. A great deal of thought has been put into this game and it shows in all the detail.

Other Reviews Of Beaky and The Egg Snatchers For The Spectrum 48K

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