
BBC Micro Graphics & Sound

Categories: Review: Book
Author: Sheridan Williams
Publisher: Granada
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Beebug Volume 2 Number 7

BBC Micro Graphics & Sound (Granada)

I was not very impressed with this book. There are lots of niggling little points such as FOR loops for delays used instead of INKEY; poor print quality of program listings; use of the variable O; errors in Basic statements; use of crossed zero (0) in the text sometimes, and sometimes not; not much use made of meaningful variable names.

This book assumes a knowledge of programming, and a familiarity with the Beeb, but for the user who has learnt to program in a structured way, the book will probably kill off these good habits.

For a book half devoted to graphics, it has surprising omissions. For instance, there is no mention of shifting of the graphics origin; and no mention of PLOT parameters 72-79 or 88-95. There is no mention of downwards or sideways scrolling. On page 13, it implies that OS 1.0 has been used to test programs rather than OS 1.2. In several places it mentions the use of the Epson MX80, and yet doesn't give a screen dump.

Sheridan Williams