
BBC Micro & Electron Book

Categories: Review: Book
Author: Ian Tresman
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in Beebug Volume 4 Number 7

BBC Micro And Electron Book

If the title sounds like just another run-of-the-mill computer book then read on. Gavin Haines presents a very readable introduction to the BBC Micro but does not stop there, and he does not make the mistake of resorting to computer jargon.

There are sections aimed at the absolute beginner such as 'Typing in programs', and 'How to write a Basic program'. Of course, there is the usual description of Basic keywords liberally sprinkled with example programs.

I suspect that the author's own experiences have caused to him to pen the more practical sections in his book. 'After-sales queries', 'Buying equipment', 'Types of disk interface' and 'Transferring your favourite cassettes to disk' are some of the areas covered.

Once these topics have earned the novice his stripes, the book continues with not only an 'Introduction to the 6502', and 'Machine code hints', but 'Writing advanced software' and 'Selling your software'.

Whether you are just starting out with your newly acquired BBC Micro or Electron, or really exploiting its potential, then this book is for you.

Ian Tresman

Other Reviews Of BBC Micro And Electron Book For The BBC/Electron

BBC Micro And Electron Book (McGraw)
A review by Shingo Sugiura (A&B Computing)