Games Computing


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Atarisoft
Machine: Atari 2600

Published in Games Computing #4


This is a fair attempt at the famous arcade game, and taking the limitations of the VCS/Atari 2600 into account they have done very well.

All the features of the true arcade game of Battlezone are here, except that the controls are a bit different due to only having one control stick. The game is based on you being the commander of a tank, trying to shoot up all the other tanks in the area that are out to get you. In addition these are other tanks to avoid, flying saucers and aeroplanes causing untold hazards.

The screen display is taken up with a forward view from the turret, status information, and a radar scope. The radar tells you where the enemy is and what your view of them is. The status line gives you the score and your remaining lives. The forward view is very good and makes the most of the VCS's limited graphics.

The sound is impressive and realistic, control is good and accurate. The whole game is very well put together and should find a place on a lot of people's shelves.