Commodore User

Battle Of Britain

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Maincomp
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Commodore User #3

Battle Of Britain

I am not sure how you describe this type of game. It's a cross between a non-graphic Adventure and a 'wargame'. A simulation? Maybe. Anyway you are the British War Minister in charge of the nation's production of war materials and also air defences; so you have to decide how to distribute your limited number of squadrons to defend your cities, and you must also decide how to make the best use of your production of steel and planes and such.

You can set your own level of difficulty by choosing how many German bombers and fighters there are in each game.

I have to confess that I found the World War II scenario totally boring so you must judge my comments accordingly! If you like to set up historic battles with model soldiers, or if you hanker after a Junkers or a Spitfire, or if the spirit of The Few stirs your blood, then this is the game for you. I do not know of any other such simulation-type game for the Vic so maybe you should try it out.

One reason why I found it so hard to get into was that the instructions on the cassette sleeve didn't seem to correspond to what happened on occasion, but that could have been me just being stupid.