It's been said before, and I'll be the one to say it again, reviewing data disks is always a bit ridiculous. If you loved the original, then you're bound to go a bundle on some extra bits and pieces for it. And if you don't own (or no longer want to play) the original game, then it's of no interest to you.
So, in a time-honoured, tried-and-trusted, cut-and-dried kind of way, I'll tell you that the scenario disk offers Battle Isle fans 34 new maps (25 for the solo mode, and nine for two player games), plus plenty of more subtle bits and pieces such as larger maps than in the original game. Of course, the new map layouts require players to device new strategies, overcome new challenges, and basically find new ways to blast the opposing side to kingdom come.
But wait! What about all you people who don't own Battle Isle? Maybe, you're sitting at home, reading this, and wondering whether to fork out for the original game (and maybe this data disk too). For the record, Stuart gave it 78 percent way back in issue 9. His main beef with the program was the amount of time the computer took to make its moves, and of course this problem still remains. But it's in two-player mode where Battle Isle really comes into its own, turning into a fast and furious wargame (yes, it can happen).
So, um, there you have it. As data disks go, this one is good value for money. And while not solving the main problem of the original game, the scenarios within do offer a helluva lot of playing time. So, Battle Isle fans, this is the place to come.