Let me declare my prejudice right from the start and say that I've always thought one-arm bandit simulations to be just about the most useless use for a home computer, only marginally more interesting than using one as a doorstop.
That said, Bandito is reasonably well done, starling with optional instructions (well, you've got to know how to rotate the reels, haven't you?) and giving you a stake of £1, with each turn costing you 10p. The highest prize you can win is £2, though I was hard pressed just to stay in credit.
The program includes a "hold" feature, and also a "gamble" or "collect" option if you manage a winning line. "Gamble" means you can multiply your winnings if you can stop an arrow at a particular point on a scale.
You may also "nudge" from time to time, though both nudges and holds came up rather too infrequently for my liking. Pressing the space bar ten times in a row with no wins,
no holds and no nudges is hardly a thriving experience.
Bandito's best feature is the graphics, which scroll round very smoothly indeed, but even at £1.99 I wouldn't be gambling my pocket money on this one.