Future Publishing


Publisher: Z Production
Machine: Amstrad CPC464

Published in Amstrad Action 118


Again a decent puzzle game enters the already crowded puzzler battlefield. I wonder what made all the coders choose this genre to program their games for? Simplicity? Ease of graphics, sound, etc? Who knows...?

This is a puzzler from Zecreator - a game of memory. The aim of the game is to group two, or more, similar coloured balls next to each other.

You select play from a choice of four worlds and five stages of different playing areas. Play is controlled by moving the pointer over the play area and clicking fire lays a ball down. Sounds easy, but the colour indicator in the side panel doesn't show the colour of the next ball, but the following one after that.


A good puzzle game that involves plenty of strategy and memory skills. The timer also adds an urgency to the game requiring quick thinking. Plenty of options and challenge lengthens the lastability.

Second Opinion

Another great CPC puzzle game. Great graphics, great options and most importantly great gameplay.

First Day Target Score

Achieve 10,000 points.


Different enough to stand out from the crowd.