Games Computing


Publisher: Intrigue
Machine: TI99/4A

Published in Games Computing #13

Atlantis (Intrigue)

Following hard on the heels of Adventuremania and Mania, Atlantis is the latest offering from Intrigue Software.

This Graphics adventure features no less than 85 different screens, through which you must discover the secret of Atlantis.

Operating a smoothly animated diver controlled by keys or joystick through eight different diving angles, the player collects points by obtaining treasures from various locations, eventually discovering the secret tomb of Atlantis.

In playing you are faced with planning direction and the conservation of oxygen, whilst avoiding losing lives by being bitten by lively sharks and squid, or bumping into rocks.

The diver rotates anticlockwise with Q key or left joystick, clockwise by P key or right joystick. Key A and joystick forward make him speed ahead, space bar and joystick back stop him.

Sixteen graphic shapes in the program, ensure the diver's authentic swimming movements in the water, adding to the adventure's realism. While you are bust selecting which way your diver will fin next, oxygen is being consumed, as the emptying bubble gauge shows on the lower part of the screen.

Need more oxygen? Fin up to the surface and recharge the bubbles. This simple-sounding solution becomes a problem as in real diving, because as you go deeper, your oxygen limits your progress. While there are oxygen bottles to refill from at strategic points, you can enter the wrong cavern...

The energy bar giving eighteen lives is reduced by shark or squid attacks or by hitting any underwater obstacles, or making the wrong decision about an oyster. This bar is displayed below the bubble gauge, together with continual and hi scores. Diving deeper, the depth gauge shows vertically on the right of the screen. Collecting gems and pearls in the correct sequence gives oxygen bonuses which are also essential to discover the secret.

So far, only three players have solved the adventure, so I shall be playing Atlantis for some time still.

The Texas owner will welcome action and adventure such as Atlantis which is not beset by clues, and gives satisfying success by dive planning. Atlantis, because of programming techniques used, loads in just under eight minutes with screen title changes.

Intrigue have utilised the 16K Basic almost to the last byte, setting a new standard which will be difficult to follow, especially with the animation of the diver and other denizens of the deep.

Atlantis is very well presented, with a full colour cover and audio wallet, and comprehensive instructions. It is an adventure for all the family, if you let them get near it!