A&B Computing

Assembly Language Programming For The BBC Microcomputer

Categories: Review: Book
Publisher: Macmillan
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in A&B Computing 1.01

Assembly Language Programming For The BBC Microcomputer

Every BBC Micro comes equipped with an immensely powerful and very fast assembler; assembly language statements and BASIC statements can be freely mixed which enhances the programmer's potential control over the machine.

This book assumes that the reader is proficient in BASIC, but assumes no knowledge of assembler at all, taking you step by step from the basics to complex implementation.

The book is aimed at three types of reader: current owners of BBC Micros who want to extend their knowledge into machine code; the teacher or student of Computer Science who wants to use this text as part of a structured course; and those already experienced BASIC programmers who are wondering whether to buy the BBC Microcomputer.

Containing 73 listings of programs, the book is completely self-contained, and has various appendices on the 6502 instruction set, floating point and the user port, and a section on combining programs in the BBC computing using PAGE and *LOAD.

Two companion tapes are also available with the book if you feel you do not want to type in all the programs yourself.

Other Reviews Of Assembly Language Programming For The BBC Microcomputer: Second Edition For The BBC Model B

Assembly Language Programming For The BBC Microcomputer: Second Edition (Macmillan)
A review by Mike Williams (Beebug)

Assembly Language Programming For The BBC Microcomputer (Macmillan)
A review by Colin Opie (Beebug)