ST Format

Arrival ()

Published in ST Format #60


Clever title, eh? It's Passion's first demo on the Falcon, you see. The intro screen promises plenty more to come. Mmmm. But anyway.

Arrival makes a bad first impression with its soundtrack. Just one sample, looped, but missing a beat as it does so, thus rendering it the aural equivalent of being viciously repeatedly beaten over the head with a stick. Fortunately, a flick of the volume control enables you to enjoy the rest of the demo in stick-free silence. And, while short, it's technically impressive. Frequently arousing suspicions that the effect on the screen is being read from a prepared table rather than calculated in real-time, yes, but impressive nonetheless. Some smart 3D modelling, a couple of fast-moving, textured landscapes, and some predictable but very neat picture manipulation all go to show off the Falcon's graphics. But best of all is the rotating, solid jelly cube that wobbles and warps as it spins as it, er, washes. Or something. Roll on the promised sequels.