Atari User

Action Biker

Author: Mark Woodward
Publisher: Mastertronic
Machine: Atari 400/800/600XL/800XL/130XE

Published in Atari User #15

Action Biker

Looking at the graphics on the cassette inlay I was quite impressed by this game. However, after loading, the game's graphics were a bad let down.

It appears that this is yet another example of a software house showing screenshots from other versions on the cassette case.

Action Biker is based on the lovable character in the KP Skips advert, Clumsy Colin. The screen is divided into two sections: the bottom part containing information regarding the last object picked up, score, fuel and so on and the top of the screen scrolls around Clumsy Colin and his vehicle.

Action Biker Clumsy Colin

Although the graphics could not be said to be bad, they are not that good either. This seems to be the general level of the game - mediocrity.

The sound is one thing that is not mediocre. It is terrible. It includes a painfully grating tune which can thankfully be turned off.

You navigate Colin and his bike around the city which contains a fairground, a building site and a lake among other things, in search of items which will improve the performance of Clumsy Colin's mean machine such as a gearbox, leather gloves and a crash helmet.

Action Biker Clumsy Colin

After you have collected one item, another appears somewhere else. The position of these items becomes progressively more difficult to reach until you have to, traverse the roller coaster or some scaffolding to reach them.

Once you have collected all the objects you take part in a drag race. I have not progressed any further than this, not because of the game's difficulty, but because it has not impelled me to do so.

On the positive side the game is very cheap and younger players would probably enjoy it because of its comparatively low difficulty level.

However, hardened gamers will probably find that there is no real challenge and will quickly become disinterested.

I cannot really recommend this game and my advice would be to give Clumsy Colin as wide a berth as possible.

Mark Woodward

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