Games Computing

ABM Control Plus Cavern Hunt

Author: Simon Rockman
Publisher: Fantasia 99
Machine: TI99/4A

Published in Games Computing #1

ABM Control Plus Cavern Hunt (Fantasia 99)

A.B.M. Control is not an original game, although it is a reasonable version of the arcade favourite Missile Command.

For those of you who dont know the game you have four cities to defend from a never-ending stream of bombs, low flying missiles, etc. You have to explode them using joystick to control a cross located on the screen by pressing the fire button: With an option of one or two players, multi-level screens, it's quite addictive.

I managed to reach level 12. The screen colour changes and the level is displayed at the beginning of each successful screen you manage to clear.

Cavern Hunt loads in two parts, the first containing all the instructions for the game, in which you search out the wumpit, a creature who is invisible until he's shot with your arrow. The game takes place in a 3D maze with hazards such as bats that pick you up and drop you elsewhere, slime pits and one or more wumpits. Clues are given as to whereabouts of the wumpits, and pressing the spacebar displays your footprints and any slime pits or bats you have encountered.

An excellent game for the price which needs joystick to play it.

Simon Rockman