User Defined CHR$ v2

Categories: Description: Utility

Author: Will Watts
Published in EUG #1

I was a little worried about including the 'User Defined Characters' article and program in EUG #0 as some of you may have thought it was 'old hat'. Fashions go in cycles so they say and a character/font design program written by James Richards can be found in the 'October' (On sale in September) issue of Acorn User magazine. Perhaps this subject is in vogue at the moment! Mr Richards' program (which is designed for use with a BBC but will run on an Elk) is far more sophisticated than my humble offering and consequently the listing is longer.

However, those of you who did enjoy playing around with my utility may appreciate the new version on this disk containing the promised lines to *SPOOL the definitions onto tape or disk.

Will Watts, EUG #1

Will Watts