Stan Music Demo

Published in EUG #63

Music: Marshall Mathers, Dido Armstrong, and Paul Herman


This is a new BBC music demo of Eminem's STAN featuring lyrics being displayed in time to the music, a scrolling backdrop and dancing objects based on words from the song. If not loading from the EUG menu, PAGE must be set to &2100 before the main control program is CHAINed.

The main control program is STANDEM, which loads SPRITSS (the sprite, logo and music data) into memory at &1100. I have used ideas from several of my recent articles including LINEIT, CHARIT and Scrolling STARS - see the relevant issues of EUG for details. Press ESCAPE when you've had enough!

Technical Notes


assem Assembles the machine code, discussed below
def(A%) Defines one block of 32 VDU characters by peeking the data from memory at A%
img(X%,V%,C%) Draws the logo at (X%,V%) in colour C%, adapted from my LINEIT article. The line data is compacted into a string of ASCII characters in the data statement at lines 2900-2910. It is printed at successive positions to give a 3D graffiti-like look.
lyric Prints the next set of lyrics. T%(X) is the time X at which W$(X) will appear. Because the SOUND channels queue note data before playing, a lag time, lg%, is necessary to ensure that the lyrics don't appear too soon after the sound data is sent to the sound channels.
mnm Initialises the small spinning EMINEM logo by printing graphics on the Mode 5 screen and peeking/poking them as sprites.
mnm2 Prints the large red EMINEM logo.
note Plays a note and advances the lyric timer if the note was on channel 3 (the melody channel). I%(X,Y) contains the instruments (envelope numbers). Y corresponds to the channel number and X the musical repeat number:
Repeat 0  1  2  3      Envelope 1: plucked guitar-like sound
0      1  2  1  0      Envelope 2: electric organ sound
1      1  2  1  3      Envelope 3: struck xylophone-like sound
2      1  1  2  0      (0=channel silent)
3      0  1  1  1

You can have another repeat if you add the ENVELOPE numbers to the data statement and change line 290 to something like I%=(I%+1)MOD5 for five choruses.


z(X%) Advances P% by X% number of bytes to reserve space for data.

Machine Code Routines:

MESS Reads characters from the string at BUF and sends them to DH. &78 text pointer.
DH Plots letter, adapted from the Basic II Rom routine at &CFEE. It obtains the character data (pattern) via OSWORD 10 at &80-8, manipulates and pokes it into the screen Ram for speed. &70/71=screen address of letter to be plotted, &75=index into character pattern/index into the masks used for each row of the definition stored at COL. &76=row pointer, &77=byte mask (colour).
IEVNT Initialise centisecond clock so that the event routines are called every tenth of a second: spin the EMINEM logo, move any objects dancing on the screen, and reset the timer value, TIMV.
MOVE Move stars, adapted from the Scrolling Stars article. Each star has a screen address (two bytes) and a third byte indexing into a pixel value. The third byte is set to &80 if the byte at the star's new position is non-zero, giving the appearance of it moving behind solid objects like the EMINEM logo.
BCKDRP Plot the stars.
SPIN Spins the small EMINEM logo. Bottom 3 bits of &55 used as index into frame, FRMI. EMI is a table of addresses into the sprite data itself originally stored as graphics character definitions but expanded into Mode 5 sprite data.
MVOBS Move mug of tea, person in bed, raincloud, and picture. ?&57=&FF if no objects and they are to start appearing on the screen. Incremented for each object appearing on screen. OBX and OBY are tables containing objects' X and Y coordinates. OBF object frame. OBD object direction, 0=east, 1=south, 2=west, 3=north, &80=disappeared off screen. When all OBDs are &80 and ?&57=3 there will be no items appearing on the screen.
CALC Calculate screen address of object and sprite address,=&1100 + object*&200 + frame*&80.
SHTTR Shutter blind effect. &70/71 screen address. &72 row pointer (7..0). &73 value to be written to screen Ram, 15=red then 0=black.

Chris Dewhurst