
Categories: Description: Utility

Author: Robert Sprowson
Published in EUG #42

This file describes the utility Romsave which saves a ROM in your machine to the current filing system. Please note that you need permission from the copyright holder before saving ROM images. For use on 8 bit Acorns only.


Select from the menu or, at the BASIC prompt, type CHAIN"U.ROMSAVE"

The program will run through each of the occupied ROM sockets in your machine, asking (Yes/No) whether that is the one you wish to save. Answering yes will result in a file on the disk called ROMxx where xx is the ROM number in question.

Known Problems/Future Enhancements

No known problems.


v1.00 Original written in an attempt to trace a fault on a BBC micro

Manual and software (C) 1998 SPROW. First published EUG #42.

Robert Sprowson