Rainbow Islands Theme

Categories: Description: Demo

Author: Tom Walker
Published in EUG #72

RAINBOW ISLANDS MUSIC DEMO - Loading Screen by Dave E I deliberately entitled this demo Rainbow Islands Theme Demo on the navigation menu for this EUG so that you didn't all get too excited. No, this is not the promised Rainbow Islands conversion that Retro Software was at one point claiming was in production. It is in fact a very good BBC music demo/conversion of the theme music for this game.

As revealed in our News section, Tom Walker has produced a whole library of these musical masterpieces. Many of them are unfortunately BBC Master 128 only, as indeed this demo is. However, as most of you seem to use an Emulator these days to view the EUG companion disc, this should not pose too much of a problem - BeebEm can emulate a BBC Master 128 with the flick of a drop-down menu option!

Enjoy the additional loading picture too - another fine example of what Image2BBC is capable of!

Tom Walker