
Categories: Description: Game

Author: Gus Donnachaidh
Published in EUG #43/#44

This is a great domino type of game. I have made some changes to the program. I got it from a tape I was given.

I have tidied up the brief instructions showing which keys to use and allowed for skipping these once you know them. The game starts with the opening screen rather than the instructions.

I also found that on completion of the game, the grid was abruptly cleared to show the scores. I have altered this to read 'GAME OVER' and 'Press SPACE Bar' above and below the grid.

It is more tricky to play the dominoes as you need to match up to four colours correctly to place the piece. Also, the more colours that you match, the higher your score.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #44

Gus Donnachaidh