Mr. Miner

Published in EUG #23


The original Mr. Miner game by Mark Bolton and Alastair King was published in Electron User Volume 4 Number 12, September 1987. It was a hybrid (BASIC and machine code) program, which was very tight in memory and needed downloading and also some deletions of lines before it could be played. Also, you had to set your keys each time.

Some time ago, I thought the game could be improved and speeded up by making it completely machine code. At first, I managed to convert the BASIC into machine code without changing addresses of the machine code parts. This meant that it was in four separate files as the tune data and machine code were at &C00 and &900 and the main code was also separate. A short BASIC file was needed to load the game.

I have finally re-written the program as one file which is loaded to &1D00 so enabling it to work with the Plus 3 without any problems. Although I have not included the key setting facility (It was a nuisance to set up each time), other options not in the original game are included.

On running the game, a title screen is shown giving various options:

Sound On/Off .............. S/Q. These also work during the game
Speed Of Game .................. 1/2/3. 1=Fast, 2=Medium, 3=Slow
Load another set of levels ........ These have a common filename 
                                            with a number suffix
Play the game ... With the original set of levels already loaded
I have not provided further levels. How about someone making some up? I have shown how this can be done in this issue's Assembler tutorial.

Game Objective

The object of the game is to both clear all the earth and collect all the diamonds. Some of these are in safes so you need to collect the flashing key. You also need to destroy all of the mushrooms.


The rocks will fall if unsupported. Don't let them fall on you! Use them instead to crush the mushrooms.

I hope I have made the game more enjoyable through the increased speed and the new facilities.

Richard Dimond

Richard Dimond