As with EUG #71, we've given over a large proportion of this issue's companion disc to one big demo - The Master Of Your Old School (TMOYOS) from a brand new PD group CRTC. Whilst not approaching the dizzy heights of Retribution X [The question is - will anything? - Ed], TMOYOS did sweep the board at the recent 2010 Sundown show, gaining the coveted first prize.
If you'd rather just watch rather than download, a full video is available at YouTube and is embedded on the right for convenience. The video was shot 'live' so you also get the commentary of the Sundown presenter too which certainly builds a sense of atmosphere.
How best to describe TMOYOS? Well, a megademo with a recipebook of interesting effects and a bouncy little tune. It was originally developed for a BBC Master 128 with GoMMC, although it does work on a regular BBC Master 128 if you can tolerate a few pauses in the interrupt-driven music whilst new code is loaded in. If you like it, you'll probably pretty much like all the rest of the demos entered for the competition, the winners of which were: