General Appeal For Submissions

Author: Dave E
Published in EUG #49

The membership of EUG has never been higher. Well, not during my time as Editor anyway. However, there are never as many submissions to each EUG magazine as are required and, as everyone has doubtlessly realised, the fiftieth issue is right around the corner...

This is a general appeal for submissions for this issue. Ideally, it would be fantastic to include at least one submission from every reader but, with only a month to get it finished and despatched to EUG HQ, this is probably, um, optomistic at the very least. Yet it would be a shame if EUG didn't mark this anniversary with an explosion of some kind! If every member sent in either a review, solution, game, utility, article, demo or graphics screen, there would be over one hundred files on the new disk (or disks)! Imagine.

EUG, with its audience bigger than ever before, strives to be the smart and professional 8 bit magazine that keeps all those defunct ones alive. Its members come from all walks of life but all with one passing interest - the BBC and Electron series computers! Your enthusiastic editor is here to smarten up anything you care to entrust to its hallowed pages - but will only appeal this way when necessary. This is one of those times when it really is.

All that is asked apart from submissions is that they are your own. If your thinking cap is so dusty that it will take at least a month to have it dry-cleaned, take a peek at a past issue for inspiration. Draw a screen with Elkpaint or The Art Studio; write an adventure with The Quill; write a BASIC utility that plays games with the screen; review your favourate BBC/Elk software; or even review your favourate EUG issue! And don't forget that EUG #50 comes out 1st April 2000; someone needs to cater to the 'fools'.

Finally, lets not let the magazine celebrate nine years' publication without a party! It's already come a long way but its journey is far from over. The world of the BBC series is very much still in our galaxy; we pioneers far from giving up the crusade. As the third Editor of the EUG magazine, I know these words are read by both of my predecessors who are even now constructing intricate inclusions for the said issue.

EUG #50. Make it the one you remember and the one that remembers you.

Dave E, EUG #49

Dave E