Knocking The Gates #2

Author: Gus Donnachaidh
Published in EUG #43/#44

As I've said before, I bought a new PC in October 1998. This column is a record of my developing experiences and the little things which irk or annoy me that I wish I had known before. And there are some good experiences thrown in for good measure.

The EUG web site has an opening page. It's not much but it is an improvement on what there was before. It says that EUG exists and why.

If you have access to the net please pop in from time to time. It's not much yet but I need to have some visitors from time to time in order to keep it. It will get better.

I have recently bought a new book called How To Create Pages For The Web Using HTML by J. Shelley and published by Bernard Babani. I've never been disappointed with a Babani book in the past and I can't for the life of me think why I didn't look at their titles first. This book, like all Babini books is straight-to-the-point with no silly prose to fill out the pages and boost the ego of the author.

I wrote a few months ago about trying trial programs. I was in Dixons recently and they were selling some CD-ROMs at a discount price so I bought three. Guess what? They were all trial programs. As they were, they were unusable and I would have had to pay big bucks to download additional programs from the net to use them. I should have taken them back and demanded my money back but I put them aside and decided to pretend to myself that I hadn't ever bought them.

But the moral is beware of computer rip-offs! Now where have I heard that before?

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #44

Gus Donnachaidh