Electron PD Returns

Published in EUG #18

Electron PD

Around two years ago now, the Electron lost its only existing and dedicated Public Domain library, Electron PD. Since then, no other library has stocked itself with software which is guaranteed to be compatible with the Electron computer. But now things are about to change.

Last month, Ross Little purchased from Robert Cooper all the master disks for Electron PD and he has decided that, since people would have joined the scene since the library closed, he will open it up again.


Unfortunately, the limited hardware capability has caused the library to be more restricted than the original. Firstly, software can now only be produced for ADFS 'M' disk drives (which excludes the tape service Robert used to offer) and it can no longer be a 'pick your own' library. A number of disks are for sale but they can now only be bought complete. Secondly, all disks will be supplied by Ross himself, not copied onto disks sent to him. And finally, the disks will only be available up to March 31st 1995. After which time, the library will close completely.

How To Order

If you wish to order in the meantime, please send your name, address and cheque payable to 'R. Little'. Remember there is no need to include a disk but do not make cheques payable to 'Electron PD' (unless you really want them returned!).

Disks cost £2 each and their numbers and contents are outlined below:

Disk1-DEMOS DISK (Sound and graphic demos)
Disks3, 4, 5-GAMES DISKS
Disk6-GAMES plus DIGITISED PICS (2nd Part)

As all the disks contain just under 320k of programs, in total for £16, you receive almost 2.5Mb of programs!

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #18

Ross Little