Gus' Editorial 30

Author: Gus Donnachaidh
Published in EUG #43/#44

Editorial - EUG #43 (April 1999)

I find myself in the position of having to apologise to everyone who contacts me for advice and help. I am so busy at the moment with work that the time I have left for EUG is limited.

I especially have to apologise to a member who desperately needed a disk drive. I had one I was happy to give him but no time to send it. Sorry again.

Recently, I spoke to a woman who was concerned about getting her daughter a computer to connect to the internet. Her main worry was the reports she had heard about the Millennium bug. Apparently, she had been told it would cause her to lose her electricity supply!

A man who I was trying to sell a security camera for his factory was alarmed when I said that the control module was microprocessor controlled. He needed to reassured that the Millennium bug wouldn't turn off his machines.

An advert in the Maplin magazine for a Millennium bug fix-it, on first reading, suggests that the bug can be transferred from disk to disk.

I'm beginning to get the feeling that perhaps some people might get the shock they deserve.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #43

Editorial - EUG #44 (August 1999)

The world waited with baited breath for the 4th July because Nostradamus had predicted some disaster or other. Guess what? Nothing happened!

The Millennium bug panic is gathering pace. Some newspapers are already lining up people to blame when and if problems do occur.

Me? I'll be too drunk on the Millennium to care. As if I could care less now.

We really need some more input from members if EUG is to continue.

Those of us in the UK are basking in the heat. The good news is that sunshine is OK. Wow, except for those of us who freckle. Well I hope everybody else enjoys themselves. I've recently spent several hours in an insulated attic with fibreglass insulation and came out several pounds lighter.

Please send in some contributions for the next EUG.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #44

Gus Donnachaidh