Gus' Editorial 29

Author: Gus Donnachaidh
Published in EUG #42

Can anyone give me an address where I can get 3.5" MD disks?

While on the subject of disks, I think I have figured out why the labels sometimes don't stick too well. It is the disks. I noticed that another batch of labels which I have used successfully on HD disks for a while now sometimes peel on the disks I've been using for EUG.

It would seem that doom merchants have tired of continual warnings about the Millennium bug. As someone said to me recently, the sort of people whom the doom merchants want to impress don't even understand what the Millennium bug is.

So now they have found another drum to beat. Genetically Modified Food, or GM Food - which sounds a little more sinister with shades of big corporations.

The word is that Genetically Modified Food is going to cause a breed of super bugs to develop which will eat us all. And while we're at it, triffids will stalk the countryside molesting children.

And someone will breed a new Hitler using Dolly the sheep and Marilyn Monroe.

But there really is no need to worry. Our brave boys, led by that lovely Bobby Moore, will get in their Spitfires and show those nasty Germans a thing or two. And meanwhile the rest of us can join hands around the burning ruins of our homes and sing the latest hit from Vera Lynn.

So, maybe things won't be so bad after all. Pass the Linda McCartney Nut Cutlets, someone.

I really need more submissions for the next EUG. I am currently down to zero. So if you don't want another EUG filled with this drivel, and a few recycled games that take an hour to respond to a key press, then send something in. Now.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #42

Gus Donnachaidh