Gus' Editorial 25

Author: Gus Donnachaidh
Published in EUG #38

There really haven't been many submissions for this EUG. I've waited as long as I could before publishing it.

With the availability of cheap Pentium PCs, we have lost a few members who have contributed some good stuff in the past. Most of them have kindly phoned me to say that they are too taken up exploring their new PCs to have any time left to program for EUG but several have said they will return to it in the future.

Those of us left will need to fill the gap if there is to be an EUG.

I read in a paper that Intel are putting back the launch of their new processor to succeed the Pentium from the end of 1999 to the middle of 2000. The cynical among us might see this as an attempt to allow the market to submerge itself in the problems of the Millennium bug so that when the new processor appears to cure all problems, everyone will rush to buy it so boosting sales.

Send submissions as soon as possible.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #38

Gus Donnachaidh