Examples of games that use the second version of disk protection are Superior Soccer (1989), Ballistix (1989) and Ricochet (1989).
Version 2
"Sector Read Fault" text appears in code. (Used 1989, 1989).
Find the file on the disk that contains the attributes below:
[filename] 000400 000400 0000D9 start execute length
If no file contains exactly these attributes, look for the one with the same length but a different loader address. For example:
Hostages uses | FF0400 FF0400 0000D9 |
Pipemania and Vertigo (Play It Again Sam 16)use | FF0900 FF0900 0000D9 |
Perplexity uses | FF1100 FF1100 0000D9 |
With these, the offset is always the same. This means that 48 from the start address would mean 448, 948 or 1148 for the above titles.
To start with, type:
>*LOAD [filename] <RETURN>
to put the code into memory. Then make a note of the PRINTed contents of the following addresses:
At memory address &408 is the number of sectors which the program will read to gather the protected file code. e.g. if the contents of &408=&15, then the file length will be &1500.
At memory addresses &448 and &449 is the execute address (reversed) when all of the code is loaded from the disk. e.g. if the contents of &448=&00 and &449=&20 then the execute address of the code is &2000.
At memory addresses &45D and &45E is the start address (reversed) to start loading the code from the disk. e.g. if the contents of &45D=&00 and &45E=&15 then the start address of the code is &1500.
To stop the code from executing the protected file code, type:
>?&447=&60 (Return from subroutine) <RETURN>
then to run the loader, type:
This stops the program and returns the user to BASIC, whereby you can now save the data from the original, protected file to a blank disk (Not the original!). So, from the above example, the file had the following attributes:
[filename] 001500 002000 001500 start execute length
So from the prompt, type:
>*SAVE [filename] 1500 +1500 2000
Once the one file has been recovered from the disk and saved, the game can be copied freely. *COPY all of the other files to a blank disk and the game should work.
Ricochet - Example of Version 2 Protection
Protected file=RICODE
Original file info=RICODE FF0400 FF0400 0000D9
Information in loader file:
&408=&53 (Length) &448=&36 and &449=&19 (Execute address - reversed) &45D=&03 and &45E=&11 (Start address - reversed) >?&447=&60 >CALL &400 >*SAVE RICODE 0001103+5300 1939
De-protected file info=RICODE 001103 001936 005300
Happy hacking, and if anyone cares to send details of each disks 'spec's to EUG, we can publish a quick reference table in a later issue.
Dave E, EUG #49
Continue to DISK DEPROTECTION #3, EUG #50