Coverart Slideshow

Categories: Description: Demo

Author: Dave E
Published in EUG #68

Image2BBC is the utility which, quite rightly, set the whole Beeb world talking recently. It was reviewed in full in EUG #67, and was slightly improved in the past year in two further respects. It is now able to recognise .gif images and it is easier to 'drag and drop' converted images into BBC Explorer to create disc images one can write back to a real BBC/Elk disc.

The Coverart Slideshow included on EUG #68 contains a small selection of some of the new 'loading screens' which are slowly being introduced to many of the Acorn Electron World discs in the Professional Releases archive to enliven the loading process. Whilst many professional releases, such as Superior/Acornsoft, featured some excellent graphical intros, far more did not. As you can see, applying a bit of artistry to the cover art already featured on the Acorn Electron World web site, and then putting the finished image through Image2BBC can produce loading screens which, on an Electron, now seem to be in a different league!

All the screens in this slideshow have been produced by our very own Dave E, and represent only a small fraction of those he has currently finished. Our advice: Keep an eye on our instructions archives over the next few months...! But for the time being, enjoy these six Mode 2 piccies!

Dave E